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  1. Imagine you had some playdough, and you pressed your two thumbs in it. There would be two indents with a slight ridge between them, so really just lack of musculature.
  2. Hi there I have noticed 2 holes that is in the region between the neck and the shoulder on the top side. Is this just normal muscle forming? ie the shoulder splitting. I am little worried that she has had this becuase of recent stresses of us moving house and not eating as much. This area is quite defined and don't remember this being there before. Iris is 1 year and 2 months. I hope that you can help me guys and gals. All the best Fergi
  3. Thank god, I have had our young grey for a year and never knew about this despite coming on these forums. I was blowing the birds feathers the other day to see if it looked to dry and noticed this large lump like a water balloon in the neck and got very scared. Thank god for the Grey forums.
  4. Thanks for the posts. Pretty sure it was just tired as it was doing the grinding of the beak at the same time. Just the number of times that scared me. All the best Fergi
  5. As far as yawns go, I have read that Greys can really go for it, proper opening of the mouth for over a few seconds. I got very scarred the other day as we are pretty new owners. Frosty yawned like this 10 times in a row. Any ideas if this is actually normal behaviour? All the best Fergi
  6. Thanks guys. I am taking it to the Vet this weekend for the first time so I have many questions for him. I thought it was excitment but wanted to be sure. Thanks for all your advice,
  7. I got 41, not the best but better than some. Shame you couldnt just rattle of Scotland, England, Ireland and Wales. The person who said they only got 4 must surely be kidding. If not where are you from and what countries did you get of interest.
  8. Hi there Me and my partner have had our Grey almost 2 weeks now. It is about 20 weeks old. It loves grapes, seeds inside the husks and brocolli so far. We have mixture that apparently it was weened on. It makes a ready break/porridge type of consistency. I make it with a small drop of water in the micro so that its a little warm. It seems to go mental for this. Is this becuase its very excited or is it agressions and it seems to start to be shouting at me. This can continue for 20 mins or so. I want to make sure that its not agression as this should stop now surely when its young otherwise it will think he is the boss. What are your thoughts guys.
  9. Thanks Lyric. The pet shop gave us two types of food. The first mixture is the one it was weened on and makes up like a porridge, rpeady break consistency. Very small seeds and flakes. The second mixute is more substantial they made it up themselves in the store as they say the sunflower seeds are bad., It has bananas dried, papaya, small seeds green and black and yellow. There is also black and white seeds thatare in a shell and also large white similar ones
  10. Hi there, welcome to the forum. We just signed on today also,,, just bought 18 week old Grey and are also excited and nervous but this site seems to have it all. Take care Fergi
  11. Me and my partner bought our 18 week old grey last week and it loves everything rubs and cuddles etc. It likes to move up the arm and try to go onto the shoulder. Repitition of the same commannds in a nice soft voice. putting your hand there as a block and patience and it should work. tapping and touching its beak with the associated command and will stop. Ours will fly to our finger, but has strarted to try and land on my head. I am trying to stop this at the moment but haven't come up with any solutions just saying step down and put my finger across the breast and it always steps on. Would like to get it to stop flying to the head, especially when I am not looking at him, any Ideas guys and gals.
  12. Hi there. We have just bought an 18 week old Grey. We are very excited, Clearly our lives are going to be changed forever. We were at the pet shop and were really looking at the cats and rabbits when I walked by the Grey and it whistled at me and said hello, my partner quickly followed me into the shop and noticed Frosty way before the cats which is very unusual as it is normally me over at the birds with her giving all the cats attention. Needless to say we both fell in love with Frosty and were thankfull to our landlord for allowing us to get him/her. She treats both me and my partner both with equal love AT THE MOMENT, hope this doesn't change. It seams to go crazy for the mixture that the pet shop gave us. This was the mixture that it was weened on. Is this normal and do any of you know how we should continue with this?
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