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  1. Jadewolf32 wrote: Gatiep did the same thing. I just added more toys and he was happy. And I moved him to a window. He is much happier now
  2. nope. Now he sleeps like a normal bird. But he does something that im sure is unusual.. When I want to scratch his head while he is in the cage he turns his head side ways and puts his beak through the cage and he doesnt want to be scratched on the head. He prefers the side of his head and arround his ears
  3. thankls for you concern! The guys name is Mo. He is the owner of Turbo & Nos Connection. Byt next week he is back at work so I dont have to worry about somebody else dynoing my Bantam.
  4. in the last photo of gatie.. I never even saw there was a bottle cap. He loves playing with them! @Baxtersmom! I hope you got little baxter a few bottle caps! lol
  5. Here he is flapping his wings, This was before he could fly. Just a random pic Gatipe strethcing his wing Wierd sleeping position He was sleeping with his head on my kniee but when I moved we woke up Just a bit off topic.. The guy who is going to dyno tune my Bantam was in a accident. His previouse run was a 11.2 over the 400m and a speed of 208km/h. On the run of the accident he did a 11.4, lost the rear end of the car and crashed. He is in ICU for internal bleeding... But he is going to work next week!
  6. I will upload a few more of him. There is 2 where he sleeps 1, owith his heag on my kniee and one with his head on my pillow. and a few where he is flapping his wings or stretching them out..
  7. He used to sleep in wierd positions.. here is is 9 weeks or something.. cant remember Here is is at 15 weeks
  8. Gatiep has just started his 15th week. I never thought he would start talking this joung!
  9. Gatiep eats all his vegies. I never give him junk food... But he gets a sip of coffee every now and then... but only 2 sips
  10. hey luvparrots. I have a few pics of him. I wil upload them at some point. Thanks for the welcome
  11. remember this?? http://www.greyforums.net/forums/limitstart/40/african-grey/90285-almost-dead.html I said I will come back in 2 months
  12. Like I said I'll be back in 2 months. Gatiep is still healty. He gets a lot of fruit and vegetables! He can fly, wistle and is starting to talk. You can understand what he is saying but he still has a bit of practise left. He has no problem getting on and off my hand. He flies to my when I call him.. So those who thought I would screw up the bird... Cuess who is having the last laugh!B)
  13. BaxtersMom wrote: I think I'm going to leave the site. and come back in 2 months when the baby is still kicking and can feed itself. It was real nice talking to you. I'll see you on 24th of Oktorber depending on how i feel. either the 24th of Oktober or never. You are more than welcome to email me at koring16@hotmail.com. I'll keep you up to date on Gatiep and by to everybody else. Thanks for all the advice.
  14. casper wrote: You might want to read the forum again. being call someone who is cruel is pretty offencive coiming from someone who doesnt know anything about me. I can understand that you all love your greys. but does that mean you hate the owner how makes a mistake. I recall a thread about something along the line of... we dont care about you or your life. just the grey. not an exact quote but thats more or less what it said. So its hard not to take it personally.
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