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  1. Your picure of your grey is one of the sweetest I have seen in a long time, just love it. I saved it to my computer, hope you don't mind.


  2. Seriously, when I take Schroeder out, little kids point and say "look at the bird!!! If little kids can tell tags are birds, then this woman must be a special kind of stupid. Next time you see her, please ask which short bus she uses to get to work. I am curious.
  3. Thanks Dave, birdy behaviorist had us do that, no result, we will try again though. Ill let everyone know how things are going in a week or two. I doubt it is fear though because Buddy will let Mike hold him, flip him on his back for snuggles, purrr for Mike and go around the house looking for Mike is Mike isnt around. he seems to really want to spend time with Mike. It reminds me of spousal abuse. We haven't tried increasing the treats yet, I will get on that tomorrow morning and make sure Mike gives him a big bowl of yummy to start the day off with.
  4. We are excited about the tot. Buddy is afraid of oven mitts. If he tries to eat my kid I'm gonna make sure kidlet likes oven mitts more than blankies and teddy bears.
  5. Ahhhh, looked at thye wrong post<br><br>Post edited by: SchroedersJen, at: 2010/01/14 01:23
  6. Thanks for the help How can I find your thread? There are a lot here to sort through.......
  7. This has nothing to do with birds or keyboard cat....but, IMHO it is the finest YouTube video ever.
  8. Schroeder is 2 1/2 and weighs 345g after his am poo.... He is pretty buff (he is full flight and gets a lot of exercise) I bet he could bench, like 100g if he wanted. He also looks great in his spandex superhero outfit and cape.
  9. Hey guys, I've been out a few months Don't hold it against me As some of you may remember, we have a senegal rescue named Buddy. Buddy is sweet and cuddly, smart and silly. He is perfect.....almost. Buddy's favorite person is my husband, Mike. Mike and buddy have a good boys will be boys relationship and Buddy and I have the snuggly relationship. About 2 mos ago, Buddy started attacking Mike's hands. The bites are very bad, a few have required stitches and exposed bone and muscle tissue. Mike is scheduled to have reconstructive surgery for one of the bites. We have tried giving Buddy a wink and beak trim (previously, we allowed the wings to go au naturale) and that didnt work. We also put Buddy on Mike restriction for a few weeks, as we suspected it was hormonal. Neither worked. We also tried Rescue remedy and increasing his sleep. I should mention that we are NOTlooking to rehome him. We love him and need more suggestions. We need suggestions ASAP because we are expecting our first human hatchling in a few mos and dont want the baby turned to swiss cheese too. (For those of you that are friends of Schroeder's or mine on Facebook, please dont mention this. My mom is on extended vacation and we are waiting till she comes home to tell everyone). I have taken Buddy to the Vet and had a consult with a behaviorist. No results so far. I should also mention that all of the biting has been directed at Mike. Mike is very patient and calm with Buddy and Buddy has been missing his Mike time, so I don't think this is a trustt or aner issue. Buddy is most bitey when there is food around (so we have stopped eating around him) or when Mike is trying to pick Buddy up. That's all I can think of for now, please put on your avian expert hats and see if we can brainstorm this to a happy ending! Oh, and Schroeder is fine He is still my perfect little sidekick!
  10. Next time, consider leaving the broken feathers in, or clipping them at the break point rather than pulling them. Pulling is painful and can damage the follicle. Since he is not in the wild, he really doesnt need his rudder to grow back faster. Having them broken for a few years rather than a couple of months for a pull and regrow is just an aesthetic thing, and if he doesnt care, why should you? For a while, Schroeder only had 2 tail feathers because he had busted the rest playing.....it happens. Just a thought........ Now, if he is upsed at his broken fanny and it is causing him distress, by all means, yank em out, but if they arent buggin him, or the clipped version isnt hurting him, leave them be. The only exception I can think of is if the breal point is clise to the point of the feather nearest the follicle and the break is in a polace where it could split toward the follicle and cause bleeding. That calls for an asap yank.
  11. Mac n cheeeeeeeeez. Mmmmmm, my buns are expanding just thinking of it. I Use a fun shape of pasta, cream, apple smoked cheddar, asiagio, and bits of maple smoked bacon and red pepper (not red bell peppers, but red pepper corns) After baking it, I let it cool in the pan over night and slice into cubes. Sprinkle the cubes with a mixture of flour and corn meal and fry it up in a skillit full o butter. Take a bite and give the rest to your skinny friends while laughing all the way to Victorias Secret. Muahahahahahahahahaha!<br><br>Post edited by: SchroedersJen, at: 2009/10/01 00:58
  12. Very cute! Schroeder laughs, but not that well....He kinda sounds like he is coughing.
  13. Awesome toy! I will gop make one for Buddy right now Thanks for the idea!
  14. OMG! I am sooooooooo friggin jealous. Macaws smell so good and are a riot! Good luck with your new flockmate!!!
  15. Wow....am I the only one that thinks that dining room set is 10 seconds away from turning into a chew toy? Great video, thanks for the share
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