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  1. ahh bless!!! i want one to!!!
  2. greys are like having a baby lol ask urself do u want another baby lol???????????xxxx
  3. hi every 1!!! i have a great relationship with april but i can only let her out when my 2 year old is in bed!!!! thay are very jealous of eachother and im worried that if i get her out whilst bethany is about harm may come to her but on the other hand i think april will stay on her cage!!!! any suggestions?
  4. katie23

    I got a Timneh

    oh so soz didnt realise it was posted over a year ago!!! thats brilliant good to know its all sorted.xxx
  5. katie23

    I got a Timneh

    <br><br>Post edited by: katie23, at: 2008/10/30 09:00
  6. lol owch !!!! every time my hairs tied back april has a nibble of my ear!!!
  7. today i painted my nails! but when i went over to give april some attention shes frecked out lol. she came around after a few minutes and has now realised its nothing to worry about!!! it just bafulls me how african greys notice the littest changes
  8. katie23

    MAX Has Gone

    i had an african greyfly into my house one sunday and me and my partner took him in we got him a cage the same day to accomadate him as we knew how much the owner must be be hurting we rung the rspca and told them we have found an african grey 2 days later they came and scanned him for a micro chip luckaly he had one and was reunited with his owners unfortunatly we got no thanks for what we did but we went out and got our own as we feel in love with him and wanted to care for an african grey. so as soon as we got april we got her micro chipped. tip !!! close the door behind u!!!
  9. lol april makes a mess to i had red splats up my wall!!!! and her head was covered in red dots
  10. im very happy bobby has gone to denise we keep in regular contact! hes still growling but has settled in very well he even slashes her dogs if they get to close to the cage lol
  11. thanks every 1 uv made us feel very welcome xxx
  12. hi every 1 im kate and i have a 4 month old congo called april who is hand/silly tame just thought ild say hi!!!!
  13. yes she promised us even if he didnt come out of his shell it would b his home for life as u said and we said its not fair being passed from pillar to post we talk to her on a weekly basis so i will forward her the site address we were very upset to see him go but he was just not the bird for us but with april its totaly different
  14. we got him off the net and was told apack of lies basically and to me that is not fair on any bird we thought it was fair he went to sombody who was told the truth we told her we didnt know his back ground and hes phobic and wild (as told by vet)
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