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Everything posted by leonidas93

  1. oh thank god, i thought i had done something wrong! you know that feeling when your girlfriend/boyfriend is not talking to you and you dont know what you have done. kinda like that, i know sad right lol. he lets me cuddle him every now and then and i still love talking to him and hearing his little weird noises lol. thank you judygram and she, you have made me happy again
  2. leonidas93


    hi guys, my 1 year old grey has always been very trusting of me and has let me pick him up and put my hand on his back to take him across the room or put him back in his cage but all of a sudden he will only let me pick him up and will fly away when i put my hand around him. i dont have a clue what is wrong with him and dont know why he does not trust me anymore. does anyone have any advice that will help me? thanks in advance.
  3. thanks! is it easy to teach your parrot? im gonna be really nervous when i start his first lesson lol
  4. ah that is a very good point, i never thought of that. so when he flies away its his way of saying no more training? thanks both of you for helping me
  5. my parrot always flies to his cage and loves it, he also loves the wardrobe next to the cage and chirps up there all day lol. i just thought if he was in a different room then he wont have the temptation to fly to his cage and i will be able to train him more also i have been meaning to ask someone, do you know if a training diet is a good idea? and i am also going to slowly change his diet to pellets so he takes seeds as a treat when im training him. do you know if that is a good idea?
  6. well im just teaching him some main things that this dvd i bought show me like shake hands and to pick up an item and fetch it, other things like that. apparantly it makes the relationship between bird and owner stronger and makes the bird more disciplined. im teaching him in a seperate room because apparantly he will not be distracted by anything in an empty room without his cage.
  7. hi people, my grey is over a year now and i wanted to start training him. he has not had his wings clippedand i am not going to because i think its cruel and he likes to have a little fly. i was wondering if it is still possible to train him with his wings? im worried that when i put him in another room and start training he is just going to fly around the room and not progress at all.
  8. hi guys, sorry i havent replied on this post for a while! havent really been checking my emails. ive had leo for more than three weeks now and he is really getting the hang of step up. i'll usually have to get him away from his cage and put him on this clothes rack he seems to like, but i have now been able to get him on my hand in the cage which is great! ive also got his trust alot more and i can tell because alot of people who come to see him, he always starts squawking and trying to get away from them, even people hes meet a few times. but hes perfect with me he even sits on my shoulder and nibbles on my ear while im trying to play videogames or watch tv lol
  9. probaly smarter than me!:laugh: lol
  10. Tonight i was sitting in my room with leo on the top of his cage and he flew on to my hand! this is the first time this has happened and he just kept on doing it! so i shouted for my mum to come and see. but when she came and leo was on his cage he just wouldnt come! it made me look like a complete liar and i know alot of other animals do this to. has anyone else got any interesting and funny stories of their greys making them look like complete liars? please share
  11. thank you lovemygreys for the help
  12. ive had leo for longer than a week now and he still will not step up for me. i can grab him and then put him on my hand but i do not want to keep doing that. do you think i should just carry on picking him up out of his cage and he just needs to gain more trust or should i not get him out the cage unless he goes on my hand? thank you everyone, sorry for being such a worry!
  13. welcome to the forum and i hope you and your parrot will have a great time with each other
  14. try just keeping your boyfriend in the room to let malibu get used to him. wen you feel he is more used to him, start making your boyfriend get close until he is right by the cage and see if he minds. keep making your boyfriend give him treats and im sure malibu will soon trust him. just remember, you cant force a parrot to trust someone, it has to develop that trust itself.
  15. i think the only health risk with red factor greys is second factor, not 1st factor. 1st factor is just a simple mutation, and the red on their tail has traveled to their body. 2nd factor is were people have got 2 red factor greys and bred them to make a more red grey. for example, with dogs, you get all kind of breeds. it is fine to have two seperate breeds. it is when people start doing selective breeding and breeding certain dogs for example a strong dog and a fast dog that problems start. or if they breed two of the same breed. i hope this has answered your question prrthead
  16. thats not a bad idea heather, thank you and everyone else who has helped me
  17. im gonna teach leonidas when he is old enough 'THIS IS SPARTA!' from the film 300 (thats were i got the name lol) and 'I BOW TO NO MAN!'
  18. why does it say african GREY? its not an african grey anymore, its an african red! i think african greys look cuter anyway
  19. ok thank you, that is very reassuring
  20. i have had leonidas for a week now and i am really gaining his trust. when i managed to touch him, he used to nibble on my hand or arm, i think to see if i was safe. but his nibbles are getting harder now and he sometimes makes a imprint on my hand for a few minutes. is this a bad habit coming or is nothing to worry about? thank you.
  21. i think congo is a little to young to start talking. you should give up on the training and when you hear congo start to pick up some words that are said quite a bit like hello and bye, then you could start the training. just remember, parrots can get bored easily just like you would if you were forced to listen to the same words over and over agian so keep the lessons quick and frequent.
  22. yeah i guess your right, i'll just forget the idea.
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