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  1. I just posted about this a few weeks ago. Malibu was going through the same exact thing. My fingers were bleeding all the time. He would not listen, would not step up, and basically did what he wanted to do. He is about a year and a half now. I tried some of the things that people posted on here like basically learning to leave him be and to stop bothering him when he looked like he wanted to be left alone. He seems to be doing much better now. He does get nippy at times and does try to get his own way. I also try to reward him for being good as well by giving him his favorite, a piece of a peanut. There is somewhat of a light at the end of the tunnel. Things do get better but it does take a lot of time and patience. Good luck!
  2. I have a rooster!!!! My boyfriends dad taught him and he does it all the time! I could have saved myself a lot of money if I really wanted a rooster!
  3. Wow! I need to be in this club but some people have it worse than I had thought I have it. Malibu is biting me on a daily basis whenever he does not want to do something. He bites me if I want him to step up, step off, if he climbs to the floor and I try to put him back on his cage...It just seems as though he is not a sweet little boy anymore. I had asked on the forum about this and found out he is basically not a baby anymore and is almost like a teenager. I am trying to deal with this on a daily basis but taking some advice from others on the forum. My finger never looked like that picture though so I guess I can consider myself lucky!
  4. Hey everyone! I have not been on in soo long because I have been so busy lately. Malibu is now 1 year and 6 months old. He is talking but only says a few words which scares me to think that he will not ever talk much. He does more sounds than words. However, he has learned to say "hello", "step up", "hi", and is learning "good boy". SO, I hope he continues to learn but is just some what of a slow learner. Anyways, I am having another problem. He is biting me a lot when he does not want to do something. He bites when he does not want to step up, when he does not want to get off the desk (he loves the key board), and basically anytime he does not want to listen. He bites hard! What can I do??? I need help because I am really getting frustrated getting bit all the time. He does what he wants to in this house. He now has taught himself to climb off of his cage and playgym straight to the floor and then climbs on top of me and wants to either bite me or sit on my shoulder, which I do not allow. He has basically become the boss of the household which I guess is my fault because I allowed some things to occur. He is my baby and I do as much as I can with him and I think I baby him too much and he constantly wants to be with me. If he isn't with me or I don't include him in something, I feel bad. Please help! Any suggestions from anyone on what I can do!
  5. Maybe I am a dummy but I have never heard of a runner bean?? What is it and where do you get them??
  6. That was really cute and funny! I laughed throughout the whole video. You should enter them in the show "Pet Star"! I bet they would win!
  7. THanks for all the responses! Do you shell them first and just boil the beans? Or do you boil them in the shell and let the bird pick them out?
  8. Hey everyone! I bought fresh lima beans at a farmer's market today. They are still in the shell/pod. How do I prepare them for Malibu to eat? Thanks!
  9. Check Home Depot. They make a very low odor paint now I believe. I was looking into painting my living room also and saw their commercial on tv. I think it is a bit more pricey though. Also, Sherman Williams has low odor paint but it is alot more expensive. Hope this helps!
  10. Thanks everyone for all the birthday wishes! Malibu feels special knowing he has ppl who care!
  11. Well, they came out a little smaller than expected! Happy looking anyways!
  12. Malibu is 1 today!!! I can't believe it already! He is such a good boy and so loving (when he wants to be ). He entertains me everyday with something new. Now, if only he would talk to me! For his birthday breakfast, he had some eggs this morning and if my pictures come out below, you will see how much he enjoyed them. Happy birthday to Malibu!
  13. Congrats on your new baby! Where in PA did you get the baby from? I am from PA.
  14. I saw that movie! It was horrible! I could not believe the horror that was in that movie. It is prob. because I am a teacher so that is why it bothered me so much. It is interesting to know that our birds can sense things like that. Pretty cool to know!
  15. Thanks everyone for responding! It sounds like I am getting a little nervous over nothing. I know Malibu is smart, I just want him to talk He does mumble alot and it is really like he is practicing. I am just going to keep working with him and repeating alot of the same words. Hopefully, he will speak to me soon! The little bugger will prob. surprise me one day, I hope! Thanks again!
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