Hey everyone! I have not been on in soo long because I have been so busy lately. Malibu is now 1 year and 6 months old. He is talking but only says a few words which scares me to think that he will not ever talk much. He does more sounds than words. However, he has learned to say "hello", "step up", "hi", and is learning "good boy". SO, I hope he continues to learn but is just some what of a slow learner. Anyways, I am having another problem. He is biting me a lot when he does not want to do something. He bites when he does not want to step up, when he does not want to get off the desk (he loves the key board), and basically anytime he does not want to listen. He bites hard! What can I do??? I need help because I am really getting frustrated getting bit all the time. He does what he wants to in this house. He now has taught himself to climb off of his cage and playgym straight to the floor and then climbs on top of me and wants to either bite me or sit on my shoulder, which I do not allow. He has basically become the boss of the household which I guess is my fault because I allowed some things to occur. He is my baby and I do as much as I can with him and I think I baby him too much and he constantly wants to be with me. If he isn't with me or I don't include him in something, I feel bad. Please help! Any suggestions from anyone on what I can do!