Hi! My name is Tonya and I am from Virginia. I own a Congo named "Pepper", and I just got a new Timneh yesterday, and named him "Rocky".
I got my Timneh from a lady that had the bird for 2 years. But for 6 years a Doctor had him, she never got to spend alot of time with Rocky, and one day he bit her so bad that she had to go to the doctor and get stitches in her finger. She then became scared of him, and gave him away. The new owner ket him for 2 more years, and I picked him up yesterday. When I got him, his poor little toe nails are sooo long its pitiful to look at---but, I have made him a vet appointment to get his beak and nails trimmed and shaped, and of course a well being check up.
My problem is that I am terrified that he will bite me and me have to get stitches!! What can I do to help him not be scared and help me not to be scared. I do have lots of patience, and tender loving care!