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Everything posted by carlosrugby

  1. thanks for the reply, i have'nt started to handle them yet but will be hoping to soon as i've never tried it, im pretty sure my brother used to have them out but im not sure about the one that squarks as my brother hasn't had her that long. also i think they've been caged together about 2 months now, i also noticed today that they was been sick in each others mouths, my dad said this is something they do when mating but im not so sure!
  2. yes sorry! there roughley 2 years old, there in the same cage, and i've had them 2 days. the story is that my brother owned 3 african greys billy, charlie and manu. but manu was fighting with billy so we took manu and charlie as my brother said they were close (not sure on all the facts) although this morning manu seemed quite lively today making lots of noise but chasing charlie around the cage i don't know at this stage wether it's a good sign or bad sign.
  3. there roughly 2 years old, to be honest my brother knows more then me as we bought them off of him il hvae to ring him later and find out more info as i only got them 2 days ago
  4. sorry if this is a reqular post but i've looked through some frequent posts and could'nt find anything, well my mother has just got two african greys but one of them seems really scared and if you go near the cage it squarks at you and raises its wings likes its scared. also it only really happens when your stood up not as much when your sat down. i know the new envoiroment could be the reason but was wondering what i could do to gain his trust while he settles any help is much apreciated! Post edited by: carlosrugby, at: 2008/07/28 22:19<br><br>Post edited by: carlosrugby, at: 2008/07/28 22:23
  5. yeah im from leeds in england having abit of trouble with one of the birds so im goin to post on one of the other sections
  6. well hello there! my mum has just got two african grey's, and was hoping for a little help from a trusty forum. anyway im from leeds and never had a parrot only cockatiels so hopefully you can help me.
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