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  1. Andrew - I also am not sure that you visit this forum anymore, but I thought it would be better to still comment than not. Like so so many others, I discovered you and Tui on Youtube. I had just moved to California, and was thinking of aquiring a new bird, as i've been an experienced bird owner for many years, but hadn't had one since I moved from Boston to Sacramento. I happened to stumble upon your videos and was amazed at how incredibly intelligent Tui was and was even more inspired to get a bird after watching the incredible bond you and Tui shared. I know it must sound like a broken record by now, but I wanted to at the very least offer my condolances for Tui, such a loss must be so devastating. Especially after all the hard work you put into making her the bird she was. I feel that you are really too hard on yourself about making yourself so much less socially available because of Tui- it's at the least extremely understandable that you would devote all that time to perhaps the most important companion in your life. She seemed like more of your child than pet. I hope, like everyone else who has you in their thoughts, that she will eventually return, even with your plans to go back to New Zealand. And if she does not, I hope you find a new bird that is almost as special as Tui was. I also would love any information and updates on Tui. You have made a very significant impact in the world of pet birds and have inspired hundreds, if not thousands, of people with your story and devotion to Tui. I hope you can find comfort in that, at the very least. Good luck and lots of love!
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