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Everything posted by KimmieB

  1. Loki seems to enjoy orchastrated music. She really responds to the Indiana Jones theme song. She bops her head a bit and gets very vocal, trying to chirp and whistle alongside Bryan
  2. I want my birdy home NOW!!!!!! {Feel-bad-0002006A} Monday is going to be a loooooong day. I even thought about calling in sick so that I can at least be comfy in my jammies as I watch the clock slowly tick by....:silly:
  3. SO thats what happened to Superpet. I was wondering where they all disappeared to.... I've been looking for a pet store with a decent bird department. I'd be willing to fill out a survey.
  4. Broomer wrote: Remind me to have the cell phone on me that day.. just incase ... better yet a first aid kit! :whistle: B)<br><br>Post edited by: KimmieB, at: 2008/08/01 05:54
  5. I wasn't too sure where to post this. I've been reading books on Grey and how to care for them and the majority of them list what cleaning products (practically all of them)are considered unsafe for your birds. I like a clean house and shiney bathtub, so I was wondering what does everyone use to keep their home clean, yet safe for their birds? I have read that a mix of vinegar and water is quite popular, but is it safe for laminate flooring? Will it make my bathtub shiney? Any suggestions/tips would be appriciated B)
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