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Everything posted by Goku

  1. Pic of Archie.<br><br>Post edited by: Goku, at: 2008/07/25 08:01
  2. Im a 1st time grey owner and my lovely pets name is Archie, male and is 6 months old. Being a 1st time owner im always looking for answers and thus sweeping through the super data gateway I landed at this fantastic forum. Thanks for everyone making me feel so welcome and I cant wait for sharing wonderfull grey experiences with fellow birdilovers. Cheers GoKu B)
  3. Goku

    Clipped Wings

    Kewl wil do!:side:
  4. Goku

    Clipped Wings

    Thnx buddy. Yeah I figured there wont be much to do except for giving tons and tons of LOVE!! while waiting for the feathers to grow back again. Luckly Ive gotton some + responces from Archie, he started whsitling again today!!!
  5. Hi everyone. I have a male grey that is 6 months old and his name is Archie. Ive had his wings clipped twice since having him at an oldschool doctor, unfortunately the old doc has moved on and I had to make use of a new doctor. The old doctor used to clip Archie's wings in what he called the "Modern European Contempary Clip", with this clip Archie was able fly about 5 meters. The new doc completely changed the clipping style and now Archie is unable to fly at all. He littely falls to the ground like a stone. These falls resulted in him getting a big scare. He only sits on his cage and does absolutely nothing. Hes gone quite, he doesnt whistle his fav tunes, he doest play, he just sits there. I was wondering if there is any advice from you the greyloving community on how I can get Archie back to his old self asap and how long it will take for him to grow his wings back and how soon can be airborne again??
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