Thank you for the welcome and yes i have a ton of ?, first boomer is 16 wks? according to the breeder and still on 2 feedings, i have tried to feed since sat eve and he only takes very small, very small amout then backs off or fights me like he doesn't want anymore, but then when i mess with him he grabs my finger or thumb and starts the head bobbing like they do when they feed, i m worried that he is not eatin the formula, i have tried syringe like breeder showed me and the bent spoon as well, and he makes this little squeak, is that normal he does it when he sees me or hears me, he is very quiet compared to my QP's and B/G, this is his 2nd day hear and he is pickin at the dry food i have for him and drinkin water as well, also i have different sizes and styles of perches and one is a calcium perch he is pickin it apart he has got a good amout off the end just since yesterday, is this ok ?
Can use any and all suggestions, he picked me and i want him to know he did the right thing
Thanks Susan