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  1. Oh the lung thing, and the inability to get up for the first 3 days added to that. I have taken a couple hits off of a Nicorette inhailer since I've been home, but at the most i've had the equivelant of maybe half a cigarette, so nothing bad. Just impossible to fall asleep when having my first bad nic-fit.
  2. luvparrots wrote: Heh, I always have a sense of humour, even at the worst times. I.E. Funerals etc etc ... Heck, I nearly said to Kim that if I died to cremate me and pour my ashes into my bosses gastank .. my last act of defiance to that B...dastard :silly:
  3. Well, it's been 4 days since the surgery ... can say one good thing came out of all of this .. I haven't had a cigarette since Though if someone has one outside and I smell it, I see myself twitching like a mad man. Withdrawl sucks! ... Percocet kinda helps with that though lol (that and napping ... ZZZzzzz)
  4. Well I'm back. 3 days after my 'day' surgery. blah. Had complications after my surgery, partial collapsed lung, almost had pnemonia .. all fun! wee! :silly: Got home, Loki went crazy, I think she missed me . She's actually been making the motions of regurgitating for me, and has been nearly ignoring Kim . Kim had to be the bad person and come home, feed her, let her our for about an hour, shove her back into the cage and then leave to come see me at the hospital again. But I think everything is goin to be ok. Her personality is starting to show through a bit more. She now has the habbit, which is so cute, to pull your finger closer to her with her beak so she can step up on it. Our friend Laura came over the day before my surgery and it seems that Loki has a girlfriend. Loki, without hesitation, crawled off of me on the couch, waddled (so cute!) over to Luara and climbed up onto her. there was absolutly no hesitation on Loki's part, and Laura's had budgies before, so she knew how to handle Loki. Also when I was in the hospital Laura opened the cage one night that she came to see me in the hospital, and Loki did the "pull finger closer" thing and climbed right up onto her. Sooooo we now have a birdie sitter if we have to go out one night it seems Muahahahaha :whistle: :lol:.
  5. Oh, on a side note on her playstand, I cut about 5 inches off the support legs, her face was eye level to us when we were standing up, noticed a bunch of agression when she was on the playstand, seems to have mostly vanished since I shortend it. Other then that, I have surgery tomorrow.. :blink: :whistle: so I'll see ya all when I'm up and about again.
  6. Well, so far so good. Loki hasn't bugged for her afternoon feeding in a week or two. So today I decided not to give her one and give her her dinner early. I'll feed her in about an hour, but I've seen her at her bowl a couple times this afternoon, so it seems to be ok. Though in the last 15 minutes she's been getting a tad more vocal in her cage, I'll take her out to see what she does. Thanks for all your well wishes for my surgery. Hernia surgery. If you've never had a hernia, I don't recommend getting one, they're highly over-rated. This is surgery #2 for it in 18 months ... bleh.
  7. Sweet jebus, I didn't realize I wrote a novel lol. {Emotions-00020070}
  8. Hello all! Sorry Kim and I haven't been around a whole lot. Since she came home we've both gone back to work and I'm getting ready for an upcoming surgery next Tuesday (... yay ...) so we've been pretty busy. Well, that and Loki is a demanding little diva :laugh: She has settled in rather well I think, she hates being in her cage, nearly refuses to poop in her cage ( .. again .. yay .. :laugh:), been trying to figure out how to make her poop in there, especially in the mornings ... she hasn't quite made the playgym a couple times :sick:. She's likes to cuddle a lot, but half the time doesn't want to be touched .. even though she's on Kim or my chest, which is always interesting. She has discovered that she must, at all costs, get her tongue on our TV remotes and video game controllers :whistle: :lol:. The remotes Kim and I used to bribe her off the other hehe. She also practices her Parrot Kung Fu on a few of her toys regularly. Other then that, she knows what "Num num's" means (food) and from what we can tell knows her name. She's not talking or anything yet but mimics a tongue clicking sound that Kim and I do (It's a quiet sound, so it's fine with me lol). A few days ago our fire alarm went off for no reason, she got spooked and froze in place but was back to playing a few minutes after it turned off, she's a very tollerant lil' birdy (Though I swear, that night I heard a brief 1/2 second mimic of it :dry: :ohmy:) When out of her cage she does really enjoy her "private time" which I wasn't expecting. She'll open her beak and semi-lunge at us if we walk by her .. with a little squeek. Not sure how to make her stop that. No bad bites yet, I think from me playing with her beak from 3 weeks old she knows that we're not afraid of it, and she really enjoys a good beak rub on a regular basis. Even lets us use a paper towel to clean her beak when she's done with her feedings. We learned to place her on the floor when it's feeding time, she'll do that infinitly cute waddle-walk into the kitchen and waits on the counter to be fed. We origionally were feeding her on the ottoman in the living room, but the counter is far easier to clean (we don't have a table) and she even takes a drink from the tap while she waits for the food to be ready. She would also jump off the ottoman if we took to long, and well, laminate flooring isn't the most forgiving surface for her to land on. hmmmm... Oh, been trying to get her used to us playing with her wings and turning her over onto her back, but she will have none of that yet, her tollerance of either seems to be diminishing actually lol. She tollerates a shower every other day (or every third day), enjoying half of them and just glaring at us for the others. She has been eating on her own, but still takes 3 feedings a day, she's not refusing any of the feedings yet, so we're not quite sure when we should try to wean her off the middle one. Mind you, she doesn't ask for the middle feeding as she does with the morning and night ones .. soooo *shrugs* We've discovered she likes Brocolli, green and red peper, loves snow pea's and almonds (the almonds will become her training treat) and loves a small piece of whole wheat toast in the mornings. Been wondering about peanut butter, I remember reading somewhere that it's unsafe/unhealthy. I added a slanted bar onto her play gym, since we discovered she knows how to climb up, but not down, though she doesn't often use it. We also moved her shower perch behind the playgym on the window, she can climb from one onto the other, which she enjoys. She hates the bathroom anyhow, so the shower perch just wasn't being uses. I also had to move her Boing from above her playgym, she was trying to climb up to it when we could clearly tell she didn't have the balance for it yet, but it will go back in the next few weeks I'm sure. Other then that, I can't think of anything new other then my "Loki's Homecoming" video on youtube being remobed for "Infringement" on the Guns and Roses song ... :whistle: :unsure: :dry:. I'll try to get some new pictures posted soon, just haven't had much time to take many, but I will, oh yes, get a waddle-walk video soon .. it's just so damn CUTE! :silly: :laugh: :woohoo:. That's all for now! I'll try to be on more often, but real life interupts unfortunatly. Bry.
  9. Ah well, I was starting to get that feeling any-who hehehe. {Feel-good-00020114}<br><br>Post edited by: Broomer, at: 2008/09/15 18:46
  10. ..... *mumbles something that sounds like ... "it's a girl"* :laugh: :whistle: Test results just came in (that was fast, 3 buisness days) and apparently I have to stop saying "he" hehe. My mother will be upset, she thought she finally had a Grandson .. of some form lol
  11. Our breeder said she only did a minimal clipping to Loki. I can tell, the feathers only have about 2 inches cut off. She said she would give him a proper clipping next time we see her, but I'm starting to think that we should keep with the minimal clipping, and hope he can't gain too much height (out kitchen has a bar that leads into the livingroom, so beads over the door probably wouldn't stop him from getting into the kitchen while we were cooking :unsure:). The last few days Loki has taken off from out ottoman onto the floor (about 2 feet up) and today he took off from his playstand which is just under 5 foot. He thankfully landed on the ottoman which was about 5 feet away, but if he didn't he would have hit a laminate floor hard. I'm going to have to start teaching him to flap those wings better. His landings are ok, but I can tell he lands keel first then slides on his claws when he hit the floor (again, this being from the ottoman, he's done this a few times) but man-oh-man am I scared if he ever did it from the playstand and missed the ottoman. :unsure: Though I will admit, it was my fault for him taking off from the playstand. I got home from work at around 10:15pm and Kim was staying at a friends house tonight (Our friend just had surgery, so obviously she needed someone there). Loki was going nuts in his cage (he was in there from about 4pm , this being his first extended caging) and I knew he was hungry. Stupid me, instead of getting his food ready and getting the ottoman (no longer a foot rest, but feeding and playing area :silly:) ready for the feeding, I let him out and put him on his playstand. I then proceeded to go into the kitchen to get the food ready. I was in eyesight of him, and he was evidently hungry enough and missed having company that he didn't want to wait. All in all, I was very very glad he aimed for the ottoman and caught the top side of it with his lil claws :whistle: .. whew. Though, on a side note, after he takes off from the ottoman, and starts walking on the floor ... well his little waddle is so damn cute! :laugh: :silly: :lol:
  12. Oh, and ... I thought this was kinda cute {Feel-good-00020114}
  13. And another new video posted. Of Loki and ... a spray bottle! hehe.
  14. Loki was clipped as of 2 months old. The Breeder did it for us. We might let him fledge later, but that depends on our next home, we might move in a year. I understand the dislike against clipping, but as I read (either on here, or one of the several books we have) if you truly want your bird to fly as it was meant to, you need an outdoor cage 75 meters wide by 75 deep meters by 75 meters high. Less then that is cruel since they never get to fly as they were meant to. I kind of agree with this assessment myself. Loki will never be recalled trained, or taken outside in any fashion without a harness or cage, even while he's clipped. I would rather he be happy playing on the playgyms I made him, and the plethora of toys that I've either made or bought him, then learning to fly, then being stuck inside a house never to be able to take to the sky's. With thier intelligence, I truly believe that they would know what they're missing and that in itself is an injustice to the bird. BUT!, this is all personal belief's. Everyone is entitled to thier own opinion and I would never argue with someone who wants an unclipped bird. I just wish I could do the same for Loki. Alas, I doubt I could afford that much chicken wire for a cage 246 foot square. :lol: :silly: That, and I doubt he would like the snow.... :huh: :blink: :silly:
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