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  1. We removed the seed guards from our cages and got 2 plastic computer chair mats that are about twice as big as the cage footprint, so now food waste or shreds of toys go on the mat or the carpet and poop only goes on the mat if they're on the outside of their cage.
  2. That's a great story. Karma for you. -Patrick
  3. I still think if the area is enclosed it may still be a bit too dangerous with an open pool, I would hate to take the chance of having my Grey drown.
  4. pmaholm

    Red Palm Oil

    My jar of palm oil says to NOT refrigerate on it. I don't know how it could hurt it other than making it more solid. I've found about the only way joey will eat her palm oil is to put it on a small part of bread and toast it , it draws the palm oil in and she loves toast. I tried straight from the spoon the first night and that didn't work too well. she'd dip her beak in it and then fling it everywhere!! walls, carpet, curtains, my face.... nothing was safe. At least the toast keeps that from happening. :whistle:
  5. I forgot to mention, for the materials to construct the lower sections(not the wooden playgym parts) was about $37 a piece.
  6. I thought I'd repost the pics of the stands we made for Refund and Joey. They both love them Refund's Stand Finished. Joey's Stand Finished. Both stands together with birds. -Patrick
  7. Ugh! Refund has plucked nearly all of his pins in one night. We've received the Red Palm Oil, I'm going to start them on it tonight. It's just so frustrating because he left them along for almost a week then went on a plucking binge. I may mix the oil in with a little rice and veggies. with some flax seed too. any suggestions? -Patrick
  8. Congrats! I'm sure Chloe will be warmly welcomed when she comes home.
  9. I'm tossing in my 2 cents for Girl. No real reason just the gut feeling. -Patrick
  10. Both Refund and Joey are clipped right now, we did this for safety of Refund since when we first got him he'd fly off your hand, his cage, anywhere he was and crash. He's tried to fly a couple of times since the clip and has learned to go down and not crash into things. Joey was clipped by the lady we got her from before I could ask her not to. We have decided that after they molt out all of their flight feathers we're not clipping them again. Was kind of a one time thing until they were "tame" and used to us. -Patrick
  11. Blue Country are you referring to kind of a sour smell?
  12. Yeah Carolyn's right, either or. Our 2 don't seem to like their carrots cooked so they usually get them raw.
  13. Yeah, seems to be pretty normal(yet annoying with the dirty water bowls!). Joey and Refund both dunk pellets, Joey does seem to however forget some pellets in her water and make soup. Although I noticed she only leaves the blue and or the yellow ones. -Patrick
  14. FYI I just checked it looks like www.mybirdstore.com will ship to Ireland. Looks like for 1 smart crock shipping to Dublin would be ~$24US on top of the $7.99US for the crock. I would think that they would sell these in Europe too.
  15. Whoops! Sorry I forgot you were across "the big water" :lol: I do know these work pretty well Meg used to have on for her rats. -Patrick
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