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  1. Yeah we've accepted that it's going to take a while. My wife and I want to get another bird after this one but we think it would be better if we waited for this fellah to be a happy healthy bird. We wanted to get another grey, or maybe an eclectus just to give the first one a buddy to talk to and play with. From what we understand, since birds are flock animals, they like company. So the first thing we'll do is take him to the vet. I need to talk to the current owner and get a kind of "Day in the life" of his, and then I'll update this thread. Thanks guys, your help will be very appreciated. ~P
  2. Hello everyone. So my wife and I are rescuing a grey from a girl who has just been neglectful of her little, now unfeatherd friend. He's a thirteen year old, and has began to bite and pick his feathers out. I don't think she has been abusive, but she doesn't have time to take care of him with her new job. She raised him from chick-hood, and knows that he he can be very sweet and cuddly. She says he'll be real easy to rehab. So as we are pet people, we put in a bid to take this little guy into our home. Apparently he is a biter now, and has started plucking his feathers out. He hasn't started screaming yet however, which is a plus. Can we get some tips on how to help our new little friend? Thanks!
  3. My name is Scott and I am joining this forum to talk to other Grey owners and get tips on how to help rehabilitate an african grey that we're rescuing. Hello All! :lol: ~Scott
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