My name is Lorri and I suddenly became an owner of a CAG(Old Greg)and a Senegal Parrot (Ollie). I have never had birds before and I just jumped in with both feet. The previous owner was a gentleman who was found dead in his home after a couple of days. His family didn't know what to do with the birds and in a twist of fate, I mentioned to a friend of the family that I had always wanted a bird, and by that afternoon, I had two. So I don't know how old they are or their names. I have been reading what I can about them. I just got some books yesterday. It has been about three weeks and things were going pretty well. The CAG talks a lot and is very smart, the Senegal just seemed freaked out. I thought the Senegal wanted me to pet him the other day and after a sec. he bit me and when I pulled my finger out he was still attached and was flung on the floor. It took a couple of minuets to catch him-- found out his wings are not clipped. I don't think he was ever out of his cage before. I got him back in his cage and since then the CAG has been either mad or scared of me. He had been warming up to me nicely, he let me pet him and would hang out on the outside of his cage and maybe once a day fly to the floor and then he'd step up on my hand. Now, how do I make up to him?
Also, after reading my book on Senegals I started taking him in a towel to the bathroom and practiced stepping up and I'm able to pet him if his face is covered with the towel. Yesterday he stepped up with my hand covered and today on my bare hand. The whole time I was in the bathroom my grey was making a bunch of noise. How should I proceed? Any advice? Thanks