I am always owned the non-ordinary pets my whole life...my parents dont really care anymore.
I never cared what anyone ever said and have had many varieties of animals: savannah monitor, red tail boa who was abused, abused cameleon, bunnies, hamster, fish that made it to 9-11 yrs old, 2 cats that I spent over 10k keeping them alive for 14 yrs.
So when I got My Great Danes no one was surprised. I have had 5 since. Then I got a sun conure and everyone rolled there eyes. When i got Rexxy, they didnt even ask. I dont know anyone else who have birds.
I take Rexxy to my shop now once a week and customers just ask "why". I just say, why do you have a pet? And they never have a answer.
And I just got my sand boa last month. Not sharing that with most. Most dont understand, do they?