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Everything posted by cheerprncess

  1. I forgot to ask you guys about cage requirements...what size cage do you use....i know the larger the better but I also heard too large of a cage can lead to behavior problems as well??!! true false?? idk
  2. Hey everyone I am in search of information!!! Im thinking of adding a cag to my flock....but I want as much information as I can get to make sure I can care for and give him everything he needs to be a happy healthy bird. I've fostered a U2 so I have expierence with larger birds. Currently I have a 2 year old Caique, that I hand feed and raised since he was 4 weeks old. I know larger birds require much more time, expense, and are louder and messier but I want to know the things that these websites dont tell you. Everywhere I have looked all I see are the positives about owning a grey. My questions are: About how much money do you spend on your Grey monthly? What are your greys favorite foods? What are the best kind of toys for your grey? What do you do to help prevent health issues that greys are faced with like calcium deficiency and ect? Im single and could get married one day who knows, but if i do how much stress would that put on a grey and how do you avoid that? How is your greys behavior and attitude....and how does it change with their age? Do you keep your grey full flighted or clipped? I know the answer to this one is most likely yes, but is your grey a one person bird? and anything else you can tell me that I would need to know to help me in making the decision that a grey is right or wrong for me. One more concern that I have would be a jealousy issue between the new bird I will be getting and the one I have now. How do you avoid that issue. If you have more than one bird, do you keep them in the same room or different rooms? Do you keep them out at the same time or take one out and then the other. I would never ever put my birds together in fear of safety but how do you handle having more than one bird? I've always had quakers and tiles which never was an issue but a grey is a much larger bird so I want to make sure I do everything correctly. Thanks so much!!
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