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Everything posted by tlc96093

  1. Jess let Mike know we have been/are going through a similar experience as many others, when we added a re-homed Meyers Parrot, Mickey, to our flock. Mickey would drawn blood at every opportunity and I'm not talking a little nip but gushing ones! We have had him for 2 years and my husband is just now, this month, allowing him on his lap and scratching head but very fearful of picking Mickey up, it took me almost a year to feel comfortable but I am careful, keep myself calm whenever have to handle him and towel ALWAYS nearby in order to grab him. *BUT what I wanted to ask you is = Does Mike wear dark colored clothing???? Both of my CAGs, very afraid of anyone wearing dark navy or black clothing, or to walk by cage with a black garbage bag, you would think something horrible is happening. My very large cousin came to visit last week and I had to make sure he stayed away from cages since he had worn a navy tee shirt. Just another idea to keep peace in the family! Good luck and hang in there Mike!
  2. For toy and food shopping you can add http://www.birdcages4less.com they were changing website to http://www.petcages4less.com. Also http://www.busybeaks.com have replacement parts for some toys I purchased thru http://www.drsfosterandsmith.com. I check out as many sites as possible to locate perfect toys for my CAG and Meyers. Toys for tiels are easy to find!
  3. Oh boy!!! do I KNOW first hand (haha)what you mean!!! We took in a Meyers that was 8+yrs old, 1 1/2 yrs ago,today he is 10yrs, from a family who had 2 other birds, Mickey was youngest. I also have a Grey and tiel, but after reading book "Guide to the Senegal Parrot and its Family" by Athan and Deter, my understanding grew tremendously! Have learned NEVER touch ANYTHING or take attention from bird while near me, happy to say gone 3 mos without blood. My husband refused to let bird near him after horrible bite, until last month and no bites. I keep a towel next to my chair to put on my lap and that is how I transport bird back to cage. Yes, I clip wings, noticed it makes no difference in attitude like it does with the other two. Good luck and read that book
  4. Eggs are a favorite treat. I found an easy way for feeding and serving cooked eggs. Mix egg (like scrambled) in microwave safe dish, cook for 1 min, COOL to warm and cut into 1 inch by 1/2 inch pieces. Freeze and thaw as needed. Can also be made in small frying pan as you would an omlet. Enjoy
  5. Don't want to scare you but....that was our first clue that something was wrong with our CAG. Please listen carefully without being obvious to breathe sounds in evening when everything is quiet. Then you wil be sure he is playing with his voice!
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