Hello Blaine, let me tell you, the people in your family that doesn't like birds, will be the one that the grey will bond with. Just ask me, it happened to me. They are right, it takes a---lot of time for one of these parrots, and if you don't give it all the time and attention that it requires, it will pick its belly until all of the feathers are gone. I would recommend that you start with a small parrot, like me a sweet, little quaker, or a cockatiel is great. You are just getting to the prime age for activities in school...sports, UIL, Band...and that will take alot of your time. Trust me, I have a thirteen year old, who just thought he wanted chickens of all things, something that requires alot of attention.....and so we bought chickens, and guess who has to take care of the chickens? His father and I. Stinky ol' chickens!!! anyone want to buy chickens? :sick: