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  1. Has anyone ever heard of a larger macaw and african grey getting along/becomming friends? Im looking for a companion bird for my timneh right now... Also, would you be able to tell if they like each other right away..or can it take time??
  2. Congratulations on your new addition! Very exciting! Im currently in the same place.. I would like to get another bird as a companion for Zazu, and possibly me. Zazu favors my boyfriend, however I realize there is no guarantee that the next one wont either! Im thinking of another timneh, but they are in rare form.. B)
  3. NLJohnso

    potty training

    Can I..just gloat again by saying... Zazu went potty in the trash again. ugh Im such a proud Mom. Time to go spend some much needed preening on each other. B)
  4. NLJohnso

    potty training

    I have been having some success with Zazu in regards to potty training! I have only had him for a few months now, but have been trying to be very consistant with my practice. I make sure to use word association first. Whenever he goes, I make sure to say "potty" or talk to him about how he went "potty" everytime I see him go. Next I have been trying to bing him over our trash can (which has a automatic lid on it and can flip open) and say "go potty" or "can u go potty" when I bring him over it while perched on my hand. He has been getting the idea that I want him to go potty here (as I do this right after I bring him out of the cage, in case he has to go right away, and often during the day). Sometimes he goes (which I praise him for!), sometimes he goes JUST before I open the trash (must get excited to go?) and sometimes he either doesn't have to go, or doesn't want to go.. Either way it's a process and once you get to know your bird more its a growing and learning experience for both you and your AG. Hope my experience and work with Zazu is a bit encouraging for you!
  5. I have adopted cats before and changed their name, but they also were very young (and I disliked their name). I kept Zazu's name, mainly because he is 13, and knows his name, and says it well (and I like it). However, if it was something obscene or innapropriate I would have changed the name. :)
  6. I adopted Zazu this year, and he is 13 years old (feel free to read my blogs about adopting him). When adopting a resue bird, I would recommend to take your time and let HIM pick you. Interact with him, play with him, see how he reacts. Talk to the current owner, but also look for answers from the bird. If he shys away for some reason when you ask him to step up, that could be a red flag. Regardless, it will take time with a rescue african grey. I know Zazu is JUST really starting to warm up, as he was probably waiting to be transferred to the next place. But we are really bonding now! Either way, good luck and I really hope you find your right bird!!
  7. Glad you posted this question Kebbie, as my boyfriend is Zazu's favorite right now and I was sad about this (in the same situation as you are!!). Kudos for you Kebbie! Thanks to everyone for the good advice. Everyone on here is so helpful and positive. Glad I found this website! B)
  8. Advice needed! My wonderful Zazu is a great guy, and wonderful to play with, and we have started to bonded a lot since he came to live with us on 06/12/08. Right now, I am a little worried.. He loves to be in his cage! On occasion he will go onto his play top, but typically he will go onto his favorite perch and hang out, play with toys, talk, eat, sleep, etc... he does everything on this perch! No, I am not having "cage envy" but I am worried that he isn't getting enough outside cage time. When I try to bring him outside of the cage (which is often), it's a constant battle. He steps up really nice, but then quickly grabs the cage bars with his beak, as if changing his mind suddenly! Then he tries to bite me and refuse to come out. He does this all the time, and there has not been a single time whening. There has not been one time where I have tried to get him to come out and he has not resisted. He always puts up a fight. I have tried letting him stay there, there has been times I have just brought him out (ignoring the fact that he is biting), and many more. I have looked online into this, but was wondering if anyone has actual experience with this. Also, when he is outside of his cage,if the cage is within sight or walking distance, he tried to go to it. Any advice?{Nature-00020095}
  9. Just wondering if anyone has every had experience with this before. I know of a baby CAG that is missing it's toes... the breeder said she that he is 3weeks old and still learning to explore, and that she will have this baby trained to perch on flat padded low perches by the time it is weaned. Wondering if anyone has seen anything like this, or if it will actually be able to stand upright and live. It probably will need a special type of cage with different perches... What do people think of this? Ever seen it before?<br><br>Post edited by: NLJohnso, at: 2008/07/01 22:13 Doc1.doc
  10. I adopted my TAG earlier this month and was entirely preparred for this loud, early riser, biting bird... and then I met Zazu. Zazu is extremly quiet (unless provoked), chirps only to my boyfriend really. Doesn't talk to himself at all (only to people on occasion) and is perfectly happy hanging out on his play top cage and just watching everyone. We have a very quiet household, but was ready for a loud AG, however Zazu is not by any means. I even wake up before he does!! He is also very affectionate and loves to cuddle with me. Needless to say, I was very suprised but also happy. I guess they really do all have different personalities! Good luck with your baby!B)
  11. Yep, and I have already made updates in my blog! Feel free to check it out! And Yes Dan, I did give Zazu his peanut! How could I say no to such a cute little guy..:laugh:
  12. Thanks! Glad to hear you rescued a your bird as well! It was actually hard to see the other birds when I met Zazu, as some of them came from horrible homes and were visibly harmed because of it. Just a quick question... would you guys recommend that I write in here, or write the stories in the blog section?
  13. I wanted to document my experience with Zazu, as he is a unique bird with a lot of history. Regardless of anyone else reading this, I will be posting updates and progress made with Zazu. Also wanted to note that I will be writing these longer notes in the Blog section instead of here in the future. Feel free to look them up!! {Communicate-00020117} I found Zazu looking on Petfinder.com. There was no picture at the time, however he was listed with a brief description. A woman by the name of Staci was fostering some birds in her home. She stated that she works with another rescue (located about 4-5 hours away from us) and fosters some of the birds in her home to increase the chances of them being adopted. My boyfriend and I have been looking for a bird for quite some time. My boyfriends is originally from East Africa, and use to have wild and non-wild birds as pets with his family and friends, and has experience with a variety of birds. I, having never owned a bird, am a extremely avid animal lover who has had much contact with large to medium to small birds (but never had the joy to personally adopt one). After recently moving in together into a very spacious house, I brought up the idea of adopting a bird (as it was discussed before). Well on June 5th, 2008 Ryan and I went to Staci’s home to meet Zazu. Walking into the dining room, there sat 3 playtop cages and one play stand. Among them were three birds, including Zazu. Staci’s home was not a quiet home: with 5 kids, breeding yorkie puppies, and housing rescue birds (in the distance I could hear more squawking coming from the basement) I found it amazing that Zazu sat there quietly among the other birds loud shrieks and random words. We found out that Zazu was with a younger couple and then given up to the rescue in Milwaulkee, WI due to him biting (imagine that: A parrot biting!). From there he stayed for an unknown amount of time and then was picked up and transferred to Staci’s foster home. I felt bad for all the birds at Staci’s home, but was glad in a way that she was taking care of them. Needless to say, after spending THREE HOURS at Staci’s house and bonding with Zazu, Ryan and I were hooked. On June 12th I adopted Zazu and brought him home. He was quite comical on the car ride, and was extremely sweet to me. Once home, I shut the girls (my two cats) in the downstairs living room, giving Zazu a chance to look at his new surroundings without any other animals present. I brought Zazu (while in his travel cage) up onto the table, went to open the door and heard him tell me to “come here” as he proceeded to the very back of the cage. He did NOT want to come here, but he knew what I was working on. Zazu adjusted to his cage very well. He only seems to have a problem with one toy, which makes words (ie: hello! I love you!) and lights up when you push the buttons. He now growls at it when you push the buttons, otherwise he just ignores it. Zazu has been much quieter than I anticipated. Around 9:00pm-9:30pm I see him walking into his cage to his favorite perch to go to sleep on a nightly basis. Typically I give him a small peanut before bed and shut his cage then. In the morning, he is the same. Very quiet and not even making a chirp! During the day, he seems to favor Ryan (my boyfriend) to talk to, and tries to be very vocal with him when they interact. Zazu is more affectionate with me (but not as vocal), as I have noticed he is getting more comfortable being handled with me. Unless I am walking away from him, he seems to be quiet. Zazu also likes to say “hello sweetie” “hello” and “come here.” I know he has a larger vocabulary, or at least is capable of it, but I also know that he is still adjusting to his time here. The poor guy has been passed around so much, I’m sure he is just waiting to see when he is going to get handed off again. Zazu is a perfect addition to our little family, and he is going no where! I wish I could tell him that, but he will find out with time. Zazu also loves to get wet. We give him shower time 2 times a week typically. We either give him time in the guest shower on a pirch, or we spend time misting him with a water bottle. Zazu has also given himself a bath, by bringing water from his water bowl to everywhere within a 3 feet radius of his cage. B) I plan on working on training with Zazu once I am confident that he is more comfortable in his new home. A new update: Zazu said his name last night!! He talks a little, but I guess he is still adjusting. Anyway, I was going to give him his "nightly peanut" and every time I do this I say "Zazu want a peanut?" or "peanut" to associate the word with meaning... anyway after I said the question he said "Zazuuuu!" It was so cute!! And of course I praised him, so he did it again. This morning before work I went to give him attention, and again he said "Zazuu!" (sounds like a little cartoon animal) So adorable! I think he is starting to realize he won’t be getting passed around anymore and this is him home. So excited over this little progress! Will write more as the days go by! Thanks for reading! Any suggestions, tips, advice, or questions are welcome! Thanks! Nicole {Nature-00020095}<br><br>Post edited by: NLJohnso, at: 2008/06/26 16:31
  14. I know the pic I posted was a CAG, however my bird is a TAG and I did not have any pics to describe what I was talking about...so I googled a picture and that (what I posted) was the best pic I had (again, not of Zazu)only instead of blue it showed white (referring to the spot on Zazu's back that turns a blue). Just to clarify. I understand that difference between timneh's and congos.... however, I did not know that Timneh's typically could have a bluish tint to them. Hope that clears things up. Zazu is a Timneh. This picture is a Congo, but I did not have a picture of Zazu's backside to show what I was asking about-- thats all! Sorry if it was confusing!:blush:
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