Hello fellow bird lovers,
On Saturday night, totally unexpectedly, my Timneh African Grey of 20 years, "Smoky", died. At about 4 PM I noticed him sitting on the bottom of his cage all fluffed up. When I held out a peanut, he managed to climb up to his perch, but when he put out a foot to take the peanut, it looked like he was off-balance and he did not take the peanut. He took it in his mouth and tried to eat it though, which seemed like a good sign. He was also still responsive to my clucks and clucked back, which also seemed like a good sign.
I called Cornell emergency, and they suggested bringing him in so they could do some tests but also warned that the drive could stress him out. I then recalled there was an avian vet close by, so I called him and made arrangements to bring Smoky in.
I had a heckuva time getting Smoky to come out of his cage, and had to "peel" his claws from around the cage bars. I had to take him out of his cage because it would not fit in our truck all in one piece and the vet wanted us to bring it with us.
I cradled Smoky in my arms and covered him up with a towel. He struggled a bit, so I took the blanket off. He didn't seem to know where to put his wings, so I helped him tuck them into his body. He snuggled in, then he looked up at me, he panted a couple of times and made these little "mewing" sounds and that he would make when ever he and I would cuddle. I kissed his beak and he kissed me back. I walked outside to our truck, and the truck door hadn't even shut before Smoky was gone. We just buried him in our garden a little while ago.
I wanted to get an autopsy, and I am so dumbfounded at how little time there was between discovering he was ill and then his death. However, an autopsy is $350.00. My own inspection found nothing obviously unusual. His vent was clean, there were no obvious injuries of any type, his droppings looked normal. His appetite had not changed observably.
Can anyone give me any insight at all as to what might have happened? There was nothing unusual in his environment, routines, etc. I am so shocked and confused and not handling this very well.
Any help will be so very appreciated.
Thank you,