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  1. Glad to see Rishi is playing, eating and on the mend! I was away from my computer all day but excited to get home to check how he's coming along. He's just adorable, keep up the good work.
  2. Precious! Thanks for posting these. Too cute!
  3. Yippee! So glad to hear he seems to be recovering! It must have been a relief to hear him say his name and whistle. Music to your ears, I'm sure! My thoughts & prayers continue also.
  4. Wow! I applaud both of you for your unconditional love for Rishi. I will continue to pray for her health! Please keep us posted.
  5. Poor Rishi. You're in our thoughts and prayers! Erica & Little Lacey
  6. Lacey was the same way when I got her. She would throw a screaming fit if I tried to bathe her. So I decided to take a few steps back and try a new approach and now she LOVES her baths. I started out by putting her on her perch in the shower and I would just stand in there with her without the water running. We did this every day for about 3 weeks. Then I would shower but make sure that no water touched her, we did this for another 3 weeks. Then I would take the removable shower head and gently spray her feet (3 weeks), then slowly move the water onto her belly, back, head. The whole turnaround took approx 3 months. But she is like a different bird now when it comes to bathing, she especially loves the spray on her head. Anyway, good luck to you. It can be done, I think the real key is patience and persistence.
  7. What a crack up!! "Tobie has a red butt" Love it!! Thanks!
  8. Great post! My Lacey is 17 months old. She started talking at about 10 months. Her vocabulary consists of over 50 words and phrases. I would say that she uses approximately 25% of them in the proper context with understanding. She can ask for specific fruits and vegetables, or if presented with one will oftentimes identify it. For example, if I walk up to her with an apple she'll say, "Mmmm, Apple"! She makes up her own sentences and songs. In the last couple of months she is able to pick up words/phrases after only hearing them once. Prior to that she would "practice" it for a while until it was perfected. I have been working on her annunciation of words. I thought this would be difficult, but it's been surprisingly easy.
  9. Hilarious! Loved how he kept checking that the coast was clear. As for leaving the water on, he's just making sure you're still aware of who's who in the flock. It appears you rate where I do, which is way down in the scratchings while our Grey's are at the highest of branches. The other day she chucked a toy across the room and looked at me... when I picked it up she said, "Good Birdie"! Ugh! Thanks for sharing the video, loved it!
  10. What a cutie! Thanks for posting!
  11. What an adorable picture!! Love it!
  12. Little Adaya is so adorable! Thanks for posting!
  13. Awww, that's great news! Sounds like Boo Bird is adapting wonderfully in his new home and is obviously fond of you. Isn't it the best feeling to have earned the trust and affection of such an incredible being?! I'm so happy for you and thrilled for Boo Bird! Congrats.
  14. I can empathize. Last month, Lacey went to the vet for her wellness check and also to have her band removed. I fretted for a week prior to her visit. I knew they would be drawing blood in addition to the stress of the band removal. Her vet gave me the option of sedating her with gas. :unsure: I had mixed feelings about that. But, ultimately, chose to do it. We're so lucky to have a highly recommended and well respected avian vet in our community and I have complete faith in her. After weighing Lacey, they took her in back and she reemerged approx. 20 minutes later on the vets finger and was completely fine. I, on the other hand, had nearly chewed off all of my finger nails while I waited! She was a bit tired when we got home but by the following day she was back to her sweet yet obnoxious, cuddlesome, manipulative, ornery, adorable little feathery self. It is nice not to worry about her getting her band caught anymore!
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