I can empathize. Last month, Lacey went to the vet for her wellness check and also to have her band removed. I fretted for a week prior to her visit. I knew they would be drawing blood in addition to the stress of the band removal. Her vet gave me the option of sedating her with gas. :unsure: I had mixed feelings about that. But, ultimately, chose to do it. We're so lucky to have a highly recommended and well respected avian vet in our community and I have complete faith in her. After weighing Lacey, they took her in back and she reemerged approx. 20 minutes later on the vets finger and was completely fine. I, on the other hand, had nearly chewed off all of my finger nails while I waited! She was a bit tired when we got home but by the following day she was back to her sweet yet obnoxious, cuddlesome, manipulative, ornery, adorable little feathery self.
It is nice not to worry about her getting her band caught anymore!