Well the new baby is home and I didn't come home with the original one I was going to because this little 4 mo old 18 ounce little girl totally captured my heart. She is the best puppy, no whinning at night, she sleeps so good in her playpen and got a clean bill of health today at the vets and ofcourse everyone was so inlove with her. my vet asked me could I have found one any smaller LOL! Seriously it is hard to find lil doggie shirts that will fit her. She can litterally stand up in the palm of my hand.
I am already spoiling her lil bootie and hubby is also so smitten with her but I think he is still in shock with how teeney she is
Here is some pictures I took of her with her PJs on LOL! <br><br>Post edited by: Cagal08, at: 2008/12/22 23:09