As of an hour ago we finished our 10 hour road trip and arrived home with our new baby. I want to thank one of the new members of this forum " lovethosegreys " who joined the forum last night and is the breeder whom I got our baby from. I tell you what I was expecting a docile, quite, timid, shy and partially scared baby but nooooo. It has been go go go since we put it in the adventure pack after getting it and starting the drive home. Only for short periods of time has it settled down and tried to relax, playing with toys, eating, exploring us and it's surroundings, grumbling and of course pooping most of the time. Most of the pictures are of the trip home and of the baby in it's new cage. There are also some of a new cage we got today, we were just going to stop for some food, dishes, and some toys but my wife spotted a cage on clearance and for once she was the one to buy it on a whim, tons of space. Anyways it has been a long day and we are going to start to unwind, as I sit here with Aeo on my chest trying to climb and beak every feature on my face. I will keep you all updated as I now join the ranks of Grey owner. Thanks all of you for your information and tips.<br><br>Post edited by: Medic3709, at: 2009/08/21 03:33