cheers for the info. That has quite upset me now knowing what just put jack through i have a good mind to go kick the living s**t outta the bloke,:angry:<br><br>Post edited by: jackyboy, at: 2008/07/11 11:49
I was told that the smaller cage was best so he cant fall or damage the new feathers coming through as he does tend to fall alot whist in his mad 30 mins that he has. And because of the bad clipping he has hurt his chest which is healing nicely now thank god.
I found a bird centre which pulled the feathers as he breeds lots of breeds of bird he told me it was like pulling a hair on our heads so there was no need for an anaesthetic??????????
Hi my name is Ian i'm 24 years old, and live in london. I have a spoiled little grey called jack, he is just over a year old now. Things are mostly good still trying to get over the bad clipping that was done by the breeder but we are getting there.
jack had to have all his flight feathers pulld from 1 wing as breeder didnt clip the wing properly and was causing him some discomfort not to mention that they would never have grown back. Any ways there were 2 new feathers coming through but he seems to have managed to bend one, even thou he is in a smaller cage to try and minimise injury till the wing has grown back fully. I'm not sure what to do now will it repair or does he need to have it pulled again as i dont think he will like to go see the man again so soon?
hello peeps this is my first time here. jacky boy is just over a yr old now and really starting to become a real chatterbox. just 1 thing thats got me thinking he is starting to get spikes coming up between his feathers is this norm how they grow?