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  1. Is it just the time of season after dry winter into moist summer that can cause our Greys to get dusty (and a bit chicken smelling! ) or could it be a more serious skin issue? Woody has feathers and dust all over the house!
  2. Ah I see it - thank you Judy!
  3. Yikes! I can't get past that price right now Could they stay in those for a few days? Maybe the pics look smaller than they are...
  4. So this Christmas I'd like to travel to my parents house for a few days (both birds have been there) - what I'm wondering is... any ideas for temporary housing for them? Any idea on what size / types of cages that could be used for that?
  5. Thank you very much everyone, I truly do appreciate it - I am so glad that I have my babies.. ..and great friends like you on the forums <3
  6. Thank you both for you kind words, I think I was just looking for some reassurance and a pick me up. Certain people having been all over me about being a horrible mother - glad to know I wasn't the only one whose stuck it out with their babies. Much appreciated Baxtersmom, Tyco's mom - thanks.
  7. Hello all, I know I haven' been around much lately, so much has happened. I recently got rear ended while in my car and the repairs definitely were expensive. I got laid off at my job and have picked up two new ones because neither of them pay well. My grandmother has become very ill - still don't know what is wrong with her and I'm very involved in helping my family right now. There is just so much and I feel like I'm being so unfair to Indi and Woody, I don't know what to do I love them both so much - but yet... I just don't know. Part of me says find them a new home that they can have a better life, but part of me says not too. I'm so afraid that I'm a bad parent because I'm so busy and they barely get the individual attention that I used to be able to give them. They both get let out for about 4 hours everyday before I go to bed but I'm not able to have training or anything at the moment and I'm so afraid that if something should happen to one (or both) of them I wouldn't be able to handle it just with the situation I'm in. I know that it will get better - but what if something goes wrong before it does? I have a savings account for them but with times like this it's very depleted. I love them both so much and I feel so horrible. I'm sorry for dumping all this on the forums but I feel like no one else understands. -A {Feel-bad-0002006A}
  8. I live in Ohio in the states, and I will be sending this out and posting a flyer in my clinic (work at a vet's office) - what a horrible thing... Some people...UGH! :sick:
  9. So lately I've seen a bunch of these new types of air fresheners. It is somesort of reed (Rattan) that you place in a bottle of oil I believe and the sent is absorbed through the read and disbursed throughout the house, do you think this is safe for the flock? No spraying fumes or burning anything so it sounds ok to me, but better safe than sorry... they are like this: http://sheenzi.en.alibaba.com/offercategory/82104/Air_Fresheners.html thanks!
  10. Ooooh that is good....I'm going to go to the store and get some tonight!
  11. lol I appreciate all of your comforting replies, I know that Dr. Mohan (my avian vet) asked me about Woody's voice when I first visited him and he made it sound really important so I might have over read into that.... but now my mind is at peace
  12. Whew! Thank you all for your quick replies, I like the way you put it Dave :laugh: I will sleep easy tonight to Woodys multivoices
  13. I noticed several days ago, but my boyfriend assures me he thinks it sounds normal. I know woody does joeys voice and mine, but what I mean is that things he said that were once a high voice are now a lower voice etc which is what concerned me. But again, lots of things sound normal.
  14. So lately I've noticed that (I think) Woody's voice sounds different. I say I think because he has also learned some new sounds like my yawning. Could he just be making these new sounds or imitating me in a different voice or could his voice be different meaning he could be sick? Any way to tell? Some things he says sounds different like his honk sound, other things like "Go lie down! I love you, go potty" etc all sound normal. He is still eating, drinking, talking, playing and pooping normally - any ideas? If he is ill, what causes voice change?
  15. I love pictures! They really do say 1,000 words! Thanks for showing us, it brightened my day! (At first I thought she was wearing a paper Elizabethan collar! :laugh: )
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