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  1. This bird first-aid webpage says a broken talon will eventually grow back. So my plan is to call bird shop and go from there. http://www.themodernapprentice.com/firstaid.htm
  2. THANKS TALON, for the "talon" advice. Initially I tried to do a search on the forums for this subject but your name came up instead. hehehe. I do have a relation with a very good pet store "Your Basic Bird" in Berkeley, CA and the owner there is very experienced with clipping, so I'll give her a call. Just have far back can you clip a CAG talon? My worries are that I am being a "bad dad" for not taking her in to a vet, BUT the injury did not seem severe enough at the time (and it stills doesn't now)
  3. My CAG had an accident on T-day. Basically her talon got caught in a window and she got it bent. There is no other sign of trauma except this, angling of the talon ( no more than 10-15 degrees out of normal) It did bleed a little and I have been keeping her feet and area disinfected with hydrogen peroxide a couple of times per day. She is walking and climbing around as normal and doesn't exhibit any limping, or any reduced ranges of movement and motion. My questions are.... is it best to leave the crooked talon alone? Will the talon grow back if it is damaged? Should I take her into a vet to get her talon clipped? If so how much would you think a vet visit like that would cost in an major American city? Please understand that if i had the cash I would have immediately taken her to a vet just to be safe. Thanks for any advice
  4. Sorry I don't have the time to read all the posts on this thread.... BUT With any sort of bleeding (human or Avian), if there is a lot of blood coming out pressure must be applied to the wound to help stop the bleeding. This can be done with a dressing (any thing clean) and hold the dressing down. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT not to lose a lot of blood. a loss of 3 cups of blood from a human is fatal. Not sure about the amount of blood loss needed to cause death to a bird, but I am sure it is a small amount.
  5. Awesome replies :woohoo: That helped clear things up for me, and hopefully all the other people that eventually will read this thread. Thanks.
  6. Yeah I saw that thread, but it doesn't say why it is bad in technical terms.
  7. Can anyone give me a sciencetific explaination, with evidence, as to why salt is supposedly bad for birds?<br><br>Post edited by: Ollyo, at: 2008/06/17 21:26
  8. Bettyboop: HEHE I know what you mean. As for birds and fat... I was reading something the other day that was talking about how eating fat is what helped the birds evolve from dinosaurs. I just can't remember where I read it. If I find the article again I'll be sure to post it here.
  9. OMG, I hope you don't give her much of that for it has too much fat to be good for her. She ONLY eats the fat!!! Fat is perfectly ok for birds in small quantities.
  10. Birds favorite snack.... BACON BACON BACON!!!! she will damn near trip over herself running to get a piece, and she will try yo take all of the pieces if I don't stop her.
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