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  1. I cannot get Tango to eat the pellets either. In the morning he gets a wide variety of fruits and vegetables, and soak and boil. When that is gone (or he throws it all on the floor) I give him seeds. Then he gets bites all day long of whatever I am eating providing it is bird safe foods. He is a small grey only weighing in at 370-390 grams. I am not an expert but I believe the starve him theory will not work and I will not try it either. I have read somewhere that if your birds won't eat pellets try sprinkling it with some form of citrus juice like maybe orange juice. I haven't tried it with Tango because he gets so much other food that I don't really think the pellets are an absolute since they don't eat them in the wild. My macaw however will eat anything given him or her.
  2. In this photo from left to right is Tango (CAG) myself, and Tiko (B&G) Ok the photo didn't go so I am resizing and trying it again. <br><br>Post edited by: Satchel, at: 2009/11/28 03:00
  3. Welcome Betta246. You will find out so much information here on this forum. Anytime I have any questions related to either my grey named Tango or my macaw named Tiko I first post it here on this forum. The support is phenominal. I am not sure what 850 UK money means, but I paid $1,200.00 + tax for Tango. Then you need to add in the cost of a cage big enough for the bird, the play pen perch, the toys, and the seeds, nuts, fruits, vegetables, soak and boil, etc. The total initial investment here was right around $2,500.00, and have never regretted this. A good book to get and read is called "For the Love of Greys" written by Bobbi Brinker. I have read various books and this one has been the best so far. I also want to add that please do your homework in advance. These are precious creatures that deserve you do this. A life changing experience as a previous poster said is exactly the truth. What blessed birds these are. Ok I am ranting now. A welcome to the forum is all this was supose to be so again welcome to the forum.
  4. I have found my new macaw doing the same thing. I was thinking that Tiko was finally trying to bond with me however strange that bonding may be. lmao
  5. Thank you Christina. I did notice the same abrasiveness, so I just took what I could use and threw the rest away. I do appreciate the input you sent me since I did glean some info from the responding posts. Also thank you for taking the time to send this post as well. I too believe I am going a good macaw owner just as I am a good grey owner. I had a customer come over today, she seen me interacting with my birds and told me with no uncertainty, "those are two lucky birds right there" I smiled and knew at that time to disregard some of the comments I read. Thanks again. Lisa aka Satchel (btw Satchel is my favorite of six cats)
  6. Thank you I have went to page and left a comment. I sure hope someone can tell me what to do and soon. I have ordered the chet womach videos, but they will not be here for at least a few more day. I want to love Tiko so much and he is making it so hard.
  7. Hi everyone, I again am in need of help. Tiko is ripping me to shreds. Sometimes he is loving and well all the other times he is hurting me. My fingers are covered with band aids and scabs from all the bits. This morning he bit my finger so hard that it still hurts. Why is he doing this and how do I make him stop? He gets plenty of toys, good fresh fruits and vegetables in the morning, plenty of out of cage time, seeds, nuts, and lots of love (or attempted love) until the biting begins. I am starting to wonder if I made a big mistake purchasing him and am even feeling regretful that I did so. Please help me so I can correct this problem before I learn not to like him.
  8. That is a good climb toy Darius is on. Where can I get one of those?
  9. Yes you did Tycos, and today this is what we are going to do. He has went through already the one basket and another wood toy is also toothpicks. It sort of makes me laugh at how well and fast he has shredding to a mastery. I hear some people say that I can dye the wood cookies with food coloring. Is this a safe method as I did not hear it here? I am so looking forward to the next bird expo coming next month. I am already starting to budget a few extra hundreds for his toys alone. Oh the joy of parronting. Love my birds I do.
  10. Wohoo congrats on your new baby boy.:silly:
  11. Welcome Dan. I am sorry to hear of your previous loss, and glad you are going to be getting another grey. It will truly bring you many more hours of fun and laughter as well as lots of extra love and excitement. Can't wait to see pictures of your new love.
  12. Thank you Judy. that was very nice to say.
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