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Everything posted by allena

  1. Try putting your bird on a perch in the room where you`re working. Talking to him as you go with an occasional treat followed by Good Boy. It`s hard for me to help people sometimes because our birds are on playstands in the living roomand the only time they`re caged is for bedtime. Occasionally we bring them into the kitchen or another room where we are working.
  2. We use a dowel rod when our grey gets in that mood. Once you start letting him have his way, he wins. Usually the next time after using the dowel he steps onto your hand the next day. If he shows an aggressive stance when you start to put your hand in the cage go straight to the rod.
  3. I am currently using this method. I haven`t gone into the talking part yet. Mainly because he already speaks. The training diet seems to work OK. I give him his morning food to eat and then take it away after an hour or so. Then after a couple hours we do a 15-20 minute session. He then gets his food back for an hour and repeat the process in the evening. He then gets all he wants before bedtime. The only thing I with hold him from eating is the dried bannana chips I use for rewards. His pellets are weighed daily (30grams), the rest of his diet is fruits and veggies and a nut or two.
  4. I`ve been using the Womachs system for about a week on a 3 year old Grey. I got to skip a few steps but am pleased so far. He`s learning to wave and shake his head no,so far. I use the clicker and "good boy" both, Thought it may help later on if the clicker wasn`t close. The training system they use is really easy.
  5. Ziggy, my grey, lives in our living room during the day (only goes to cage at night). When my wife decides to sweep up his mess during the day he grabs a foot full of food, throws it and laughs like crazy. My wife proceeds to give him the business and it happens again. Sometimes there is never a dull moment. At three he`s like a 2 yr old kid .
  6. Count me and my wife in. We have 2 birds, An African Grey and a Jardines Parrot. The Jardine`s is only half the size but I`d much rather be bit by the Grey. The grey is a quick hit but the little one claps down then grinds.I`m glad most of the biting is ove at 3 and 4 yrs old.
  7. We use the spray bottle also. I spray into the air above him and let it fall on him like rain. He tolerates it but not crazy about it. On his perches in the living room I have his food and water dishes. He tries to take a bath in the small water dish but if you try to put him in a bigger container it scares him to death. They are definatly a strange character at times.
  8. The perch gives him plenty of room to climb and exersize. It is a 3 ft limb from a tree with dow rods and his dishes. This flapping is frantic and he will jump off my arm or hand. Just a 1/2 hr ago he was on my shoulder and lap playing like nothing was wrong for a good 20 min. and I carried him back to his perch with no problems.
  9. Thanks for the welcomes. We got Ziggy when he was 2 months old. He was an ugly little thing that we finished hand feeding, We also have a Jardines parrot that is 4 and just mimicks sounds and words where Ziggy says way over 50 words and phrases. We stopped counting.
  10. Thanks for the quick replies. Ziggy is handled every day. His cage is for sleeping and a occasional time out. We get him up every morning and put him and our Jardines on separate perches. We clip his wings so he cannot fly This behavior started a couple weeks ago and the kicker is it doesn`t happen every day. No major changes that would have set him off. Also concerning handling he is taken off his perch 2-3 times a day and even taken outside when it`s warm enough. He doesn`t have a problem stepping onto my hand and he hates the thumb on the toes trick.
  11. New user to this site and hoping I can help or get help. We own a3 year old grey named Ziggy.
  12. We have a 3 year old grey that just started a bad behavior. Our parrot is only in their cage to sleep. For the last couple weeks when we pick him up he starts flapping wings and will even jump off my hand. I`m afraid he will hurt himself and this is painful. We have always handled him and we had him from a handfed baby until now.Cansomeone help? Oh 1 more thing. He even starts this behavior when we walk toward him.
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