I am a relatively new grey owner -- my Budster is 16 months old and I've had him for 11 months. He is talking more and more, and I am amazed every day at how smart he is! One of the things he has been doing is making up musical tunes. I taught him to whistle scales, and then he started putting notes together on his own. He started with just 5 or 6 notes, but his compositions have been getting longer! I know many studies have been done involving teaching greys counting, shapes and colors, but I've never heard of any involving testing a grey's creativity, e.g., musically. I wonder if anyone has experienced this type of thing with their bird? Budster also likes to sing songs with words as well -- which I have taught him, but makes up tunes on his own by whistling like a person. On the funny side, he has started barking to scare my son's dog away if she comes into "his" room! If anyone has any experience with this, please let me know! I'm going to buy a webcam very soon and will try to record some of this. Thanks! Vida<br><br>Post edited by: vturner, at: 2008/08/06 03:28