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  1. Thanks for all your tips its most helpful. Frank will take treats from my hand usually monkey nuts or grapes when things are smaller he tends to aim for the fingers. The only problem i have with monkey nuts is it takes time eat it. I will try him again with some pine nuts. He is a very sweet little bird who knows his mind. Thank you to all for you kind welcomes its a great community i could never have imagined. I am going off in search of the camera cable to download the photo's.
  2. Max you are a real beauty, I love the way you have all his toys out. frank comes out from 8 till 11.30pm after the dogs have gone to bed as our little Jack Russell X is fascinated with him and i don't think in a very healthy way. Frank loves to wind her up you can see the devilment in his face especially when he starts barking at her. Its very bizarre.
  3. Sorry I have to get used to writing on these posts and using quotes!! They are great pieces of advice. I will take things slowly with Frank its been a massive change for him. Yesterday when he flew at my head then bit me I was upset, I never shouted at him, I just put him back in his cage and left him, I was worried why he had flown at me whether it was aggression, i now look back and think it was funny i wish i could have captured my face and his on camera. This morning he appeared to be sulking following his antics last night but i have been talking to him and he has been mumbling back (typical teenager). He is having a good sleep now, I think maybe he was up in the night thinking about his actions as I was!!
  4. We have had frank for only just over one month a Timneh Grey who is nine years old. Frank was advertised in the local paper, we had been looking for a bird for over a year and frank was the bird for us. He has such an expressive face. Frank has spent nine years in a cage coming out very rarely. He was for sale due to a family split. He had limited vocabulary and was kept in a room on his own because he made too much mess and too much noise. We put him in the corner of our living room so he had the security of the wall around two sides of his cage. It didnt take him too long to mimic the dog barking, and in a few days he was saying good boooooy. He talks in sentences and loves attention but he is very used to being a caged bird. He is quite terrritorial when i change his water and food he lunges and bites the bars and will lunge when the cage is openned or closed, but he will let me put my hand in to put in a fruit bowl and to take it out without biting. At the moment he wont let me touch him, but will step up on a stick and has been moving closer to my hand, he has a fly around the living room then settles on the settee. Until i started getting complacent and sitting on the settee he prefered my head to land on which i didn't and bit my thumb when i put my hands up in reaction to this. :ohmy: (I have a lot to learn) no matter how much reading and research you do prior to getting a bird, the true learning begins when you first bring the bird into your home. That is why these forums are a must, I am sure with Frank I will never stop learning new things. I will update some photos of the cheeky little chap soon.
  5. Thanks Dave, initially in the first few weeks of owning him when i got him out i would stand up and face him, watch his every move, but I had become a bit complacent with him and openned the cage and sat down watching the tv, it certainly was a wake up call i wont be turning my back on our little fella anymore! I am glad you think it is more of a not knowing how to land at a specific place rather than an aggressive action (although the biting was not exactly friendly) I think he was just as shocked as I was!
  6. Hi, We have had our 9 year old Timneh for just over a month, he will come out of the cage with encouragement and once out away from his cage he will step up on to a stick ( some times he will bite the stick if he doesnt want to step up) In the evenings i open up his cage he climbs out and has a fly around then settles on to the settee. The last few nights he has been looking at me and flapping his wings then he has been talking to me and i thought we had a good rapport going on. This evening though he flew around the room and landed on my head it all happened quite quickly but i put my hand up in reaction to this and he bit hold of my thumb (thankfully not drawing blood). I got his stick and got him to step up and he kept moving closer to my hand then flew to my head again but got off when my husband got closer. Can some one explain what this behaviour means. Thank you Jax
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