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About Empress

  • Birthday 12/28/1976


  • Location
    South Florida

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Kins, Thank you so much... My funds are limited at the moment, so i cannot afford to fly Kogi down here, but i sure would love to give Kogi a loving home...
  2. Hi, I have been on this site since ages, all along full with anticipations of finally having one of these beautiful and smart birds of my own. As years passed, i learned lot about them from you all as well as from books, etc. In my last job as a nanny i was lucky enough to become a nanny of a grey as well, whom the family purchased from a pet store under my careful supervision and several visits. Now my life moved on, and i no longer work for that family. I do miss Bella (and the kids) but i cannot afford to spend large sums of money to buy a much desired and loved bird for myself. If you hear of someone, who is looking for a reliable and caring human for their bird, that they can no longer take care of, Please send them my way, i would be very happy to shelter/adopt a grey. I am working from home, and I dont have much extra cash, but i would provide a forever and loving home to the bird. (I have 2 rescue chihuahuas as well and work closely with rescue groups in general) Thank you for your consideration!
  3. I'd love to give Kogi a very loving home, but i live in south Florida... ((((
  4. Hi, I have been on this site since ages, all along full with anticipations of finally having one of these beautiful and smart birds of my own. As years passed, i learned lot about them from you all as well as from books, etc. In my last job as a nanny i was lucky enough to become a nanny of a grey as well, whom the family purchased from a pet store under my careful supervision and several visits. Now my life moved on, and i no longer work for that family. I do miss Bella (and the kids) but i cannot afford to spend large sums of money to buy a much desired and loved bird for myself. If you hear of someone, who is looking for a reliable and caring human for their bird, that they can no longer take care of, Please send them my way, i would be very happy to shelter/adopt a grey. I am working from home, and I dont have much extra cash, but i would provide a forever and loving home to the bird. (I have 2 rescue chihuahuas as well and work closely with rescue groups in general) Thank you for your consideration! PS I live in south Florida
  5. Thanks, i will and i have in the past as well... Been wanting one of these amazing birds since a long time now, and although i think i am prepared, i am sure i will run into a few surprises, when she gets home... ) But thanks to all your support, great ppl here...
  6. Thank you ever so much! I will look them up! You were great help as well...
  7. Hi, We are just searching around for a baby gray, that we would like to take home around christmas time. I dont feel too comfortable having the poor baby shipped, so ideally, i would like to find one local to south Florida. Can anybody please advise???? Thanks
  8. Dont want no big face mademoiselles here! I think a low profile singing and dancing party would just do!:evil:
  9. Well, how do you do Laurie? Come on over then! We will wait for you with a nice tea and some lovely rain... When i used to love in the states my ex hubby and i were laughing our arse off on Brit talk as well, if heard in a movie or something. It took me a while to learn that garbage is rubbish here and elevators are lifts, but you get used to it... They still say i have an American accent but not so much anymore.... ))
  10. Now Carolyn, an ark... wow! That is a great idea... Did you hear about some severe weather conditions to arrive soon? It would actually come handy to keep an ark in your back garden, especially if you live in the south... Never traveled with an ark yet, but cruise ships takes a few weeks to cross the Atlantic....
  11. I am feeling with you, Ralph! It will be like 10 years to wait for our babies! But it will be worth the while, i am sure! Ina, how can you tell if it is a girl or a boy? I thought they have to be DNA tested to find that out...???
  12. So, when should this fancy partee take place? Before or after i get Rocky home???
  13. Thank you all for your kind words! I wish i wouldnt have xmas booked, but than again, i will be with my family for the first time in 5 years for xmas, so it will be good! Trust me, i cannot wait till the trip is over and i will be able to get him home and start a new healthy diet, good training and loads of love and cuddling with him. I want to ask the owner to take him to a wet beforehand though, just in case and for him to have some kind of paperwork that can be transferred over to me. (btw i mean he has no paperwork period. I am not even sure he is a boy...) I hope i will be able to go and see him again before that, but that is up to the owner. He seemed quiet nice though, and the only reason he is getting rid of him is that he has a new human baby and Rocky is fast learning baby cries lol and that he has not enough time to spend with him no more! Anyhow, if you have any further comments i am more than happy to read them! ))) Very Happy Mum! Kinga
  14. Maybe this works... Yeeey! He has some red here and there in his feathers. He is sooo sexy with them! :woohoo: LOL Sorry... but i am soooo happy! <br><br>Post edited by: Empress, at: 2008/11/20 23:12
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