BMustee, your last reply, little harsh, you think??? sorry to upset you over your valid comment. I thought you made a good point. Me worried about school or the 14 year was not my point. What I am worried about and never thought about was someone watching my grey all day while I am at work. My work is to far for me to come home on lunch or breaks,same for my husband. That means we would not be able to give our grey any attention until the afternoon. I was wondering if anyone else had this same problem as we do, not playing with their bird until the evening. I figured no one needed to watch the bird during the day, I thought the cage would be fine. Is it better for someone to watch it? Will this be enough attention for a grey? Does anyone else have this promblem, If so, how do they handle it? That's my question's and what I was worried about, not you making this comment. You brought up a good point, one I have not thought of.