Dear Renate,
I am so sorry for you.I know what you are going through,as I had the same experience.Right now I have put myself into your place,it hurts I know.How is your little girl taking it?.I dont know where you got your Grey from, but you must go to them and tell them what happend.If you think of getting your self a new grey to help you get through your loss, please find out the most you can about the people who will sell you your grey. Try and find out how they bring these birds into the country(in what conditions). I got Cookie from an importer from Holland,my baby was just 11 months when he died.
When I decided to buy a new baby I couldnt find one in the big pet shop so I waited. O
ne day I saw my Ricco in a pet shop that was terrible,I wish I could buy all the animals from this place to save them.
I knew that I was taking a big risk but I just had to get him ,ever since we have been really happy together,but I am always alert,I still cant get over what happend to cookie.
I hope you get your self a new baby as I know that will help you and your family get over baby Alex.
Take care best wishes for you all.
Nasy and family.