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  1. I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings A free bird leaps on the back of the wind and floats downstream till the current ends and dips his wing in the orange suns rays and dares to claim the sky. But a bird that stalks down his narrow cage can seldom see through his bars of rage his wings are clipped and his feet are tied so he opens his throat to sing. The caged bird sings with a fearful trill of things unknown but longed for still and his tune is heard on the distant hill for the caged bird sings of freedom. The free bird thinks of another breeze and the trade winds soft through the sighing trees and the fat worms waiting on a dawn-bright lawn and he names the sky his own. But a caged bird stands on the grave of dreams his shadow shouts on a nightmare scream his wings are clipped and his feet are tied so he opens his throat to sing. The caged bird sings with a fearful trill of things unknown but longed for still and his tune is heard on the distant hill for the caged bird sings of freedom. by Maya Angelou <br><br>Post edited by: Graehstone, at: 2008/05/29 01:26
  2. :whistle: awww the poor kitty, lmao.
  3. Here's another shot of the California wild Flowers in full bloom. This is not one of mine, but still the most stunning picture of them that I have yet seen.
  4. danmcq wrote: And there I thought I was the only one that did this ... I have been able to get a great mint green coming out of Ruby using fava beans and a cute pink with cranberries. :whistle:
  5. Steve, although we don't "know" each other and I am but a recent addition to the site, I do wish that you would stay and still be an active member here. Trust me when I tell you that it can help more than hurt because we are all here for you, too many of us have been in that very same boat and know only too well what it is you are going through and it SUCKS when you have to do it alone. Take your time, grieve ... and come back stronger, there's a little Grey bundle out there somewhere that really needs a good home and loving dad ...
  6. A neighbor of mine has two love birds, Fred and Ethel with Fred being the girl and Ethel the boy, and you know what, they never complained once. It's what "you" are comfortable with calling your bird, because your sweety could care less as long as he/she is loved to pieces.
  7. Graehstone


    Well congrats there, lol do you think the other birds are going to make fun of him because of a girly name? One of my best friends growing up was named Michael and she could kick any boys butt any time any place. Besides, I like the name Keeko, who's to say it doesn't mean "Killer of Lions by ripping out their throats with his bare beak" in Swahili?
  8. My heart goes out to you and yours, I am so very sorry for your loss. If you do not know the cause of death, you really should have a necropsy done in order to rule out any infectious diseases that you might be exposing your future bird to. There are several that we still do not know the cause of or even how they are transmitted and too many of them are sadly enough lethal ... Aspergillosis, PDD, Pachecos virus, Polyoma virus just to name a few. I will say a little prayer for Cookie and you.
  9. Rock on my disgusting friend!
  10. One of these days (when all my other projects are done) I will get to making a large something or other in needlepoint. It's not like I have a lack of designs or anything (I have hundreds that I have collected from the net over the years) all I have to do is get my butt in gear and get crackin'. In the mean time, here are some others that I thought you might enjoy. This next one is a very old beaded one: <br><br>Post edited by: Graehstone, at: 2008/05/28 18:21
  11. However you wish to do this is up to you, either needle and thread as a cross stitch or needlepoint project, or one can use beads as well with the legend provided. Notice how many Grey shades there are ... crazy. This is one that I still want to try and do something with ... it's on "The List", lol.
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