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Everything posted by Not2bmartyred

  1. LOL thanks. I appreciate it. : )
  2. Don't know anything about them but congrats. I know your excited. : )
  3. I thought the picture actually posted let me try again.
  4. so you were all so helpful when the newest member of the family joined me so now I have yet another question. I have hung a hanger from the ceiling for Nuriko to use as a swing and he loves it..but there was something he was doing that I'm not sure if it's normal or not..including a picture to show you. Please let me know if this is normal or something i should be worried about.
  5. hey everyone..I'm sorry it's been so long since i've been able to log on..been having a lot of problems with my internet connection (or rather one big problem..couldn't afford it) so anyway I'm back YAY. I supposes i should probably update my blog because Nuriko is now allowed out of his cage as of yesterday. YAY AGAIN!!! lol.. SO I'll be updating my blog soon and posting pictures of Nuriko out of his cage soon as I get some...and if yesterday was any indication he'll be sitting on my laptop screen all the while. : ).. glad to be back.
  6. I voted...I was hard they were all so cute.
  7. I would do it if I knew Nuriko's hatch day but I don't so I think i'm just going to celebrate the day I got him. ..so he's still got a year before his first party.
  8. happy Hatch Day Alcazar. I wish I knew Nuriko's. I suppose I could just celebrate the day he came into my life. : )
  9. And he's chirping now to. Yay..it was quite funny though. My nephew was taking his nap and Nuriko began chirping and suddenly I hear my nephew's door close and I go in there and he's back in the bed sleeping..I guess Nuriko was to loud for him. LOL
  10. ok he's eating.. thanks for the help. : )
  11. Thanks to both of you for the responses, and I feel a little silly not thinking about the poo thing. LOL. but I changed the paper in his cage last night so I'll be able to see if he does. Thanks again I'm so glad your all here to help me learn how to take care of him.
  12. And here we are again with another concern..I know I'm going to drive you all crazy with my little worries but as i've said I'm new to this and want to the be the best papa I can be. First of all I posted a new blog on training progress. So now is my concern. I havn't seen Nuriko touch his food or water since I got him. Should I be concerned. I may be worrying for nothing because he may be eating when I'm not looking but it just worries me.
  13. lol thanks but I wouldn't say i'm anyones hero just yet. LMAO. Let me know how your training is going. Like I said I'll be keeping up my blog on mine..probably on a day by day basis.
  14. the most i've gotten him to say about him yet is "bird" lol. But Nuriko seems to get really nervous every time my nephew comes in the room.
  15. ok another question..this will be the second night that Nuriko has been in our house and I haven't heard a sound out of him. Is this normal for a bird coming into a new home. Also an update on something else..when I talk to him tonight I put my hand in the cage so that he can get used to my hand (as stated in the web guide i mentioned) but I decided to take a chance and pet his tail and he let me.. he didn't even try to move. I'm taking this as a good sign but it may be that he just didn't feel it. LOL..anyway that's all for now..
  16. i know i'm new here and don't know much about this or any subject yet but I have a theory that you may want to take into consideration. I take care of my 2 year old nephew and so have done alot of research about behavior of young children and some experts say that when I child starts to bite that they don't realize that it's painful and they are trying to show affection. I don't know if this could possibly be what's going on because I'm by no mean an expert on birds but it's just a theory I wanted to put out.
  17. absolutely. I'll be blogging it. : ) Already made two blogs on that subject. : )
  18. thanks. Mirror is now out of the cage. And he has been pretty calm everytime i've had to stick my hand in the cage so I think training will go well. Thanks again.
  19. ok I think i got it now....here is the pic..it's on my profile to if it doesn't work. Ok think i figured it out..picture was to big..fixed now..here he is. <br><br>Post edited by: Not2bmartyred, at: 2008/05/18 00:25
  20. I have a new question that I've come across in my online searches. I've read some places that having a mirror in the cage with the birds will make it harder to train them. Is this true because I bought a mirror for Nuriko and have already placed it in the cage with him. Should I remove it? edit...sorry for the seperate post..thought I was putting it in with my last post.<br><br>Post edited by: Not2bmartyred, at: 2008/05/17 20:17
  21. correction. I'll Post the pics as soon as I figure out what to do to get them to post..LOL
  22. just took some pictures (mostly of his back since I just got him yesterday and couldn't get him to turn around) The name Nuriko is from a favorite Anime Series of mine and it seemed kind of "exotic" so I thought it fit. And here are the first pictures of Nurkio. Post edited by: Not2bmartyred, at: 2008/05/17 18:23<br><br>Post edited by: Not2bmartyred, at: 2008/05/17 18:29
  23. Hello everyone. My name is Richard and I live in mobile Alabama and have just gotten a new Blue Parakeet (which is why i'm here) I'm 26 years old and take care of my Nephew during the day while my sister is at work and go to school of the evenings. This is my first bird so I'm trying to gather as much information as possible on raising and caring for my new family member (Nuriko). I'll be posting pictures of him soon.
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