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  1. Sorry I took so long to get back to everyone. My minds been all over the place, and I finally got a lil time to write with a clear head. Well I got the results back from the necropsy yesterday and it looks like Caesar died from head trauma/bleeding in the brain. I'm pretty sure as to what happened. His leg must have got stuck on the cage some how, he flailed around trying to get loose. Bapped his head a few times, then fell down and probably landed the worse way possible. He died standing up, so he got up, it was just to much for my poor baby. On one hand I am very thankful to have an answer to what happened. On the other I'm pissed to know that if I would have followed my normal routine this would have never happened. My poor baby died straight painfully, and he wasn't even 6 months, ridiculous. Another thing that came up in the necropsy was that Caesasr had a case of hepatitis is his liver. The Vet. told me it was nothnig serious, and had nothing to do with his death. But still to hear he had hepatitis makes me very uneasy. He said if Caesar was still alive it would be something he could have lived with his whole life. But I was wondering how in the hell he could have got that. The only answer the Vet. offered was that he could have got cut as a baby and got an infection or a legion of some type. Maybe some of you might have some experience in that area. Anyhow I want to say thank you for all your kind wishes and condolences, they all helped and I appreciate it. You never think something like this can happen to you and when it does it's like gettin smacked head on by an 18-wheel dieseal. <br><br>Post edited by: PThizzilini, at: 2008/09/20 07:04
  2. I don't even know what to say I'm still really in shock. I haven't been able to sleep tonight, so this was the only place I really could think of coming. I haven't been on this site much, but I've talked to a few people, and I own a Timneh African Grey(Greycie) and a Congo/Cameroon African Grey(Caesar). Well tonight one of the worst possible things that I ever thought could happen happened. We found baby Caesar next to his cage with a broken neck. I'm still in shock, barely pullin myself together, I feel like I lost a child. It doesn't make any sense, this lil guy could fly. He would jump from the top of his cage and land on my head with no effort. I just don't see how he could have fell from his cage and snapped his neck. First thing tomorrow morning I am taking him in for an autopsy, which I know he broke his neck, but I have to know how, because I am baffled. Did he eat something and have a seizure or somethin, and fall there and that's how he snapped it. Because I know my bird, he's the best climber/flyer, I just can't see any situation where he could fall straight down and snap his neck, especially since he could fly. I'll let everyone know more, as I figure out what happened. Everyone cherish your birds, cuze as I found out the hard way they are more fragile then they seem. I mean I treated these birds like glass, and I was out of my room for 2 minutes, 2 minutes. And even then my parents were right next door, when it happened, they were there in seconds. It's just crazy, anytime, anyplace. I've had people close to me die, and not shed a tear. This I can't even handle,I feel like I lost a child. I was ballin like a little bitch for an hour after this happened, and I'm sure more to come. <br><br>Post edited by: PThizzilini, at: 2008/09/12 12:27
  3. You got that right. Greycie(Timneh), gets a little over aggresive sometimes. Not necessarily biting him to hard, but biting his tail, wing or even a little to close to his eyes for me. So I always stay in the room when I have them sitting togther. Unless I'm running to get something, but ya know.
  4. Well 3 days later I'm finally posting pics of my new Congo(Cameroon). His name is Caesar, and he's only 3 months, but he's a big boy. At least twice the size of my Timneh, Greycie. By the way she will be 1 next month.
  5. I just realized how i could put more than 1 picture in my thread to make it easy. I can just keep replying to my own thread with a picture. Anyhow they get along pretty well for being only their 3rd day together. Greycie(Timneh), thinks she's runnin the joint, so she nips at him every so often. But she has been pretty good so far. They seem to more then tolerate each other, because they go to each other every so often. So it's looking pretty promising. If they have babies it'll be a bonus.
  6. I'm finally posting in the WELCOME ROOM. Took me about a month, but I been so busy I haven't had a chance to come on this site much. Before I just had a female Timneh named Greycie who was born on July 9, 2007, so she's almost one. On Sunday I picked up a male Congo(Cameroon) and he was born on March 15th, 2008. So he's only around 3 months. I have a lot of pictures to post but I can't figure out how to post more than one pic. in a message. If someone could help me out it would be great. Thanks.
  7. Well I'm pretty excited. I'm pickin up my 3 month old male Cameroon Grey tommorrow morning. Gotta drive down to Salinas. My female Timneh turns 1 year next month, I hope she is coo with him, heh heh. I've had his cage setup for 2 months next to hers, so I hopefully that helps a little bit. I bet she's still gonna wig out at first. Can't wait, hahaha.
  8. That's weird because my Timneh's breath always smells good no matter what. She's never stunk period. But then again who knows what the future holds, she'll only be 1 year next month.
  9. Hello, I'm new here. My name is P and I'm 24 from Vacaville, CA. I have a 10-month old female Timneh named Greycie, and a 5-week old male Cameroon on the way, haha.
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