I don't even know what to say I'm still really in shock. I haven't been able to sleep tonight, so this was the only place I really could think of coming.
I haven't been on this site much, but I've talked to a few people, and I own a Timneh African Grey(Greycie) and a Congo/Cameroon African Grey(Caesar).
Well tonight one of the worst possible things that I ever thought could happen happened. We found baby Caesar next to his cage with a broken neck. I'm still in shock, barely pullin myself together, I feel like I lost a child. It doesn't make any sense, this lil guy could fly. He would jump from the top of his cage and land on my head with no effort. I just don't see how he could have fell from his cage and snapped his neck.
First thing tomorrow morning I am taking him in for an autopsy, which I know he broke his neck, but I have to know how, because I am baffled. Did he eat something and have a seizure or somethin, and fall there and that's how he snapped it.
Because I know my bird, he's the best climber/flyer, I just can't see any situation where he could fall straight down and snap his neck, especially since he could fly.
I'll let everyone know more, as I figure out what happened. Everyone cherish your birds, cuze as I found out the hard way they are more fragile then they seem. I mean I treated these birds like glass, and I was out of my room for 2 minutes, 2 minutes. And even then my parents were right next door, when it happened, they were there in seconds. It's just crazy, anytime, anyplace. I've had people close to me die, and not shed a tear. This I can't even handle,I feel like I lost a child. I was ballin like a little bitch for an hour after this happened, and I'm sure more to come.
<br><br>Post edited by: PThizzilini, at: 2008/09/12 12:27