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  1. Well, I guess of you all think it really isn't dangerous for her... I would rather keep her natural anyways... I was just worried that I was being a bad mom or something... Dudley (yes, it's a girl with a boy's name...) is 16 months old. I purchased her as a tiny baby and while she was still at the pet shop being handfed they clipped her without even asking me... even though she was fully paid for (MINE!) I was, needless to say, totally PISSED! She literally flew across the room once or twice and they clipped her. When I took her to the vet she said "Who did this to her?!" Yeah, it was bad... every flight feather gone. She did do a lot of plucking and biting over the winter but now, since her feathers have grown in, she has gained back her sweet demeanor. She is still somewhat hesitant to fly but when she does it is a total disaster! The dogs are afraid of it and run away! ha ha ha! They never liked her much anyway after about 2 times getting bitten on the nose!! Anyway... I'll give her more time. I'd rather do that anyway... She definitely is happier. Thanks for making me feel better about what really is my gut instinct anyway.
  2. My Dudley was clipped too much and too early... Now, she is old enough that almost all of her flight feathers are back in... I want her to learn to fly before I clipped her which is why I waited. Well, she has definitely learned to fly... she keeps flying into the wall and into the windows... She hasn't figured out to turn or land. It's kinda scary to see her hit the wall. She could get really hurt. So, I am going to take her to be clipped. Question is this: I want her to still maintain some flight capability. She should, in my opinion, she's a bird. How many feathers should I have them clip? I have heard first three? Does this sound reasonable? I'd appreciate any advice. I wish I could just leave her natural but she keeps bashing into things. no good... Thanks :dry:
  3. I am sure you get lots of people asking about feathers on here. Sorry if it repeats... My TAG, Dudley, has just recently begun playing with her feathers. It started when she got a new tail feather. She chewed it off almost as soon as it grew in. This was her first new feather (of a reasonable size) that she has gotten in since her first set. She is 10 months old. She then began to chew her other tail feathers and removed them all. Now she is working on the chest. I am worried. She appears quite healthy otherwise: clean vent, nice skin, nares clear, bright eyes, low dust. Just picking at her feathers. I have tried to rearrange her toys and give her some new ones. Doesn't appear to help. I braided strips of paper and hung it in there, gave her some other shredding toys. Doesn't appear to help much. She doesn't mess with herself when I have her out and am actively engaging with her. She must be doing this while I am at work. Anyone have some good ideas to help engage her? I'd especially love some good economical ideas. I have already spent a lot on new toys... Thanks
  4. My Dudley is about 8 months old. She is a dear. Anyway, I just wanted to share that she said her first words over the weekend!!!!! Well... she has said a few things before but it was more like baby talk... only I could really understand her... but she spoke so clearly the other day! She said "Hello Birdie." I almost freaked because I thought it was me! ha ha ha! I captured it on video later on that day as well! How fun!:laugh:
  5. Dudley was hatched April 9th. She's fabulous. What a personality! Thank for noticing her.
  6. Unfortunately, I bought the cage from someone on the internet and cannot return it. SO, I suppose I have to replace it. Darn. I don't want her to die though!!!!
  7. I have a 4 month old Timneh. The cage I have is 5ft X 3ft X 2ft with 1 inch bar spacing. I was standing in front of her cage yesterday and she wanted to get out. I did not want her to come out because a dog was visiting who I don't trust around her. Anyway, she was so anxious to get out that she stuck her head between the bars to try and get me!!! I was so scared but she pulled it back out again pretty easily. I am worried since I don't want her to get strangled but I can't afford to buy a new cage! I just got this one (as my bird is new) and the girls at the shop told me it was a good size and bar spacing for a grey. Any suggestions!? She only does it when I am standing in front of the cage (has done it 2x more since the first!)
  8. tabbytai


    Thanks for all of the advice. I have been trying to figure out why she is falling. I think the perches were too far apart because I would see her reach out and nearly fall then regain her composure. I moved some things around and it seems a little better. She hasn't fallen since I moved things. (at least not while I could hear) I also put some thick newspaper down so she won't bang into the bars. poor baby. I can't wait for her wings to come back. grr.
  9. About the baths: My baby TAG likes it when I perch her in the sink and turn on the "shower" in the kitchen sink. You know... that little nozzle that pulls out and has a spray instead of the stream in the regular faucet. She like it because she goes in it at her own pace. I put it near her and she gets under it. I will caution though that if you try it you can't have it on full blast. The current is too powerful.
  10. tabbytai


    Hi. My baby TAG has been home for about a month. Her new cage is considerably bigger than the one she was living in at the shop. I am worried, not about the size but thought it might affect her as she is falling a lot in her cage. I'll be in the other room and BOOM! I hear her hit the floor of the cage. She does this almost every day. I am not sure if she is still getting used to the cage or if the set-up I have is no good. The cage is 3ftx2ftx5ft high. I have a number of different perches at different heights, a swing, a large spiral rope and a bunch of toys. She appears to be cautious when moving about taking slow and deliberate steps when I watch her. I have never seen her fall... I am always in the other room so I don't know from where she is falling. I am a little concerned because I don't want her to get injured but I don't know what to do about it. The other piece of the puzzle is that she was clipped, quite severely, without my permission at the shop. They just clipped them! Every flight feather, just after she fledged. My vet said that she should not have been clipped so much at such a young age but I didn't think to ask why. Could this contribute to her falling? I have read that it may. I wasn't going to have her clipped at all right away. I wanted to see how it would work in our home without clipping before I did. I like the idea of a flighted bird. Thought she might be happier that way. Thanks
  11. My baby TAG, Dudley loves to cuddle but it only recently appeared! One day she just let me when I tried. Now she begs to have her head scratched. She'll put her head low and push it into your hand. So funny. Last night she snuggled up next to me on the couch with her head between me a pillow for about 20 minutes while I scratched her neck and petted her wings. I think the trick for us was patience. I tried, she said no, I tried again later. Now she thinks its great. I have only had her at my house for about a month but I have been working with her at the shop since may! Good luck.
  12. Thanks for the advice. I began giving her some new foods which she thoroughly enjoys. Especially the leafy greens and kohlrabi! She seems to be doing a little better. I also switched her pellets to a smaller size and she eats more, at least it appears so as she is leaving less powder behind. I think she may have just been working through some adjustment... All is well.
  13. Thanks. I'll give her more different things. I wish I could tell what she eats though. I don't have a scale. She is so funny though. She's only 3 1/2 months old and she has already said "hello", "how are you", peek-a-boo" and "step up". I can tell she is trying to say "i love you" as well but it isn't coming out quite right yet... so cute.
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