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  1. Hi Tawney, How lovely that the parrot chose you above everyone else it ever came across. You are definitely meant to be together. All the very best to you both. Carol xx
  2. Hi. I think it sounds like your Smokey has fabulous fun!! Carol
  3. Hi Pooky, I got confused when I was trying to put a photo in yesterday. I think that if you push 'preview', it doesn't show the photo. If you have followed the instructions above and you push 'submit' then you should see it there. That's what happened to me anyway. Carol :ohmy:
  4. Hi Larry, Welcome. I am a new member myself and joined last week only because my grey [who I have had for many years] became seriously ill and I was looking for a bit of advice. I got FAR MORE than that and the guys here saw me and my family through a very difficult week until we came out smiling at the other end! I was sorry to hear about the house fire. It must have been awful. Hope you find the grey you are looking for real soon. Carol
  5. We just got back from the Vets. All went very well. It is absolutely gorgeous weather here for a change and perhaps a bit too warm for the animals but that place was so busy and it was mainly feathered friends. Anyway, the vet is very pleased with Bobby's progress. We just have to keep the meds going for 6 weeks and I have to go back in 1 month for a check up. His weight had increased by 4 grams this morning so that's cool! She breathes a big sigh of relief and settles back down to normal life.. AT LAST!!! Carol
  6. Here is a picture of Bobby taken just a few minutes ago. You can see that he has a little bit of a bare chest. He had plucked a few feathers before but it wasn't this bad. I'm not worried about this at the moment because he isn't pulling now and I am sure he will be back to his normal handsome self pretty soon You can also probably make out a little bit of fluff at the top of his left leg. This is where the drip was. If I get chance and remember, I'll post another one next week so we can see if there is any difference. Carol<br><br>Post edited by: c_s_k22, at: 2008/05/11 22:42
  7. Do you use any additives in the spray bottles? Just wondering. Carol
  8. c_s_k22

    At the zoo

    WOW.... beautiful!
  9. Thanks everyone. Matthew and I have been like new parents all over again.... is he too warm, is he too cold... should he be doing this, should he be standing like that....lol. Bobby has been very quiet and seemed to be giving us the cold shoulder yesterday but he is much better today and a bit more lively. I weighed him this morning and he was 444 grams. I think he's lost a fair bit of weight [duh.... obviously] :silly: I intend to weigh every day at the same time to see how he goes. Anyway - so far so good! Carol xx
  10. Oh WOW... she is just so gorgeous :kiss:
  11. I think that's a great video. Only thing is my reflexes are far too strong . I'm gonna give it a go next time though. Thanks. Carol
  12. I weighed bobby this morning for the first time ever and his first day back at home after his illness. He weighs all the fours.... 444. He has definitely lost quite a bit of weight so I will be checking every day. Carol
  13. Our grey does his first poop of the day [the biggie] on the loo which is lovely! He doesn't really care where he goes the rest of the time though....oh yeukkkkk what was that I just trod in.........:evil: lol
  14. lol Dave.... ok I'm convinced!!
  15. Is this a mating ritual? Sounds like it to me but the experts will know for sure. Bobby does something similar with Matthew and if he goes on long enough, he ends up depositing his little gifts of food all over the place! :blink: Carol
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