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  1. He's got me, thats for sure! His little growls when he met up with Mr. Towel were so cute but they shot right through me. My poor little guy, then his look of great indignation at our vet when she unwrapped him. I tried to keep a straight face! He stretched and then marched across the exam table and looked at me as if to say, "Hey, Mom, did you see what she just did to me? I NEED A CUDDLE!!!" Straight up under my chin, a couple of little "cluck, clucks" and all was well.
  2. The boys just finished some scrambled egg, toast and banana and now it's tub time. My daughter (who graduates from college this weekend) was standing in the kitchen when I was scrambling the egg and casually remarked, "Mom, you don't like scrambled eggs......." laughed and patted me on the head, LOL. Leah
  3. Yogi's first days at home have been wonderful! We went to our vet today for the first well visit and she says he/she is a delightful little birdie! (Of course I knew that already) He was very good with her, stepped up and everything. We only had a growl when it came to toenail trimming, but he tolerated it with great patience. He is eating well, and especially loves the Gerber Graduates sweet potatoe/carrot combo. As much goes on him as in him! It seems that Yogi is a cuddler! Just before bedtime he curled up under my chin and stayed there for about 30 minutes while I stroked and hummed little melodies. Precocious little parrot that he is, he's already figured out how to climb down off the cage and wander about! He's trying to talk, lots of little noises and I heard an almost "hello" this afternoon. He's got my heart tight in his little talon. As I told my vet, I've been looking for the "right" grey for a while now, and Yogi picked me and I'm so happy he did. Leah
  4. YogiB

    Yogi's tail

    Wow, what beautiful birds! Yogi is all gray except for the tail thing, his eyes are just starting to lighten a little bit. As soon as I can I'll have to post a pic of the tail and see what you all think. Thanks, Leah
  5. YogiB

    Yogi's tail

    Yogi's tail feathers are a dark red, and there is not a lot of red like I see in many of the pictures of baby CAG's. They are more a mix of dark gray and dark red. His beak is totally black which should mean he is a CAG and not a TAG. (Personally it doesn't matter to me what he is, I love him anyway!) I was told that his feathers will probably change to more red when he molts. I've looked at lots of pics of tail feathers and I do see that there is some variety out there. Some babies are vibrant red when very young, some more muted. Any ideas? Thanks, Leah
  6. Hi, My name is Yogi (Berra not bear!) and I will be coming home on Monday May 4th. I'm almost 5 months old and I'll be the first Grey in the family. I'll be going home to Rocky the Jenday, Rascal the cat and Venus the goldfish. (Rascal is really good with birds!) Mom also had a DYH Amazon for a year named Mickey who stayed with her while his mom and dad were overseas. He's gone home now and she's waiting for me! So, that's Yogi, I'm Leah, and Yogi is a dream come true for me. Now that both of my girls are out of the house (and out of college!) I'm going after the cure for "empty nest syndrome" in a big way. Yogi will be home on Monday, all is ready. A friend recommended this site to me and after looking around, I have to say that this looks like the place. I think I'll be a pretty good mom to this little guy, but it's nice to know there's a place to run to for help! Thanks in advance for all your advice, I'm sure I'm going to need some!!! Leah
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