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Everything posted by amanda45

  1. I had Jack and Jill tested,and jack is so much the boistrous one and Jill is so layed back,
  2. As we were having two one of each sex we wanted to have names of couples but we could not make our minds up so we did a pole of our short list which was Jack & jill bonnie & clyde mork & mindy salt & pepper and Jack & Jill came out tops but we do call Jill Jilly Amanda
  3. They are doing real good,keeping us very much on our toes lol,they are eating well and love spending time out of the cage with us,Jack is very much the explorer and Jill is very much layed back takes everything in her stride,they both like their food done differently Jack still likes the soft food and Jill likes it cut up,It is so fab watching the diffrent personalities
  4. having fun with dad when he came home from work
  5. Yes they have been DNA sexed female and male so one of each
  6. 2008/090.jpg[/img]<br><br>Post edited by: amanda45, at: 2008/05/14 20:57
  7. oh dar I did it but wrong pic went todo it again and I can't I will keep trying fingers crossed lol
  8. http://i279.photobucket.com I did it meet jack and jill
  9. <br><br>Post edited by: amanda45, at: 2008/05/14 19:48
  10. <br><br>Post edited by: amanda45, at: 2008/05/14 20:59
  11. they are also still sleeping on the bottom of the cage will they still go on the bottom of the cage to sleep if I higher the perch
  12. not sure how to put pic up on here is there a link I can read<br><br>Post edited by: amanda45, at: 2008/05/14 17:50
  13. Hi My babies are 13 weeks and I have put their perch up one at the moment, when should I lift it higher because it is a large cage and if I put the purch up to where the food bowls are it is going to be very high for them,at the moment they can still purch and eat their food from the bowls on the floor of the cage,if I move the perch up higher will they come down for their food thanks Amanda
  14. I got my two new babies last Friday and the mail (Jack) has red on his chest and on his wing feathers is a deep burgandy colour all the way down,he is larger than (Jill)
  15. we have decided on Jack and Jill,they have settled so well,they have eaten well today and have also been preening each other it's so cute to watch
  16. Hi All I am so excited got my two new babies tonight,they are settling so well,they have had some fruit and scrambled egg,they have also been munching on some seed, I thought they would take a bit longer to come around, the only time they were frightend was when we goy them out of the car, when I learn how to uplaod pics I will get some on for you all to see how georgous they are from a very happy Amanda
  17. My heart goes out to you both,
  18. I am going to see them again today I can't wait,everyweek they get bigger and their red feathers grow longer:)
  19. I tried the browse but it did not up lift mabe I am doing something wrong
  20. hi judygram I had a grey but we lost him on 28th feb this year,we miss him so much it real hurts,i have tried to put a pic of him in the nursery forum but the pic never went on,so i must of not done somthing i should of,can you tell me where I might of gone wrong thanks
  21. why did my pic not come up
  22. this is Alex sadly we lost him on 28 Feb 08 he is 3 months old in this pic
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