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  1. exactly how i felt when my grey died. It was so strange without her i miss her so much. I just want to tell you that I feel your pain, I lived with my grey since i was 3 and i am 14 now and it died.
  2. Thank you all this site is a wonderful place, I do have plans of getting a new african grey when I am much older though.
  3. Thanks, my bird was healthy and recovering too and she died of a terrible accedent its funny i still havent got over it i have been sad for a week now. Big loss for me.
  4. I am glad i wasnt at the moment when when my poor parrot died. I cant stop crying my bird was so pretty. :'( !!!
  5. Thanks for that I guess it made me beter I just want to see my parrot agian. She was too young to die.
  6. I cant get another grey my grandma dosent want to have another one. My aunt has a grey his name is Mr Bird .I remember when I used to take care of my aunts grey, Both cages would be next to each other and both birds kiss through each others cage. One time I tried to get both birds in one cage but Mr Bird got scared.
  7. Please help me keep my mind off pepper i keep thinking about her and then start crying.The worst part about is that I am never going to get a new African Grey and I really love those parrots.
  8. I think of all the times that where good. But it makes me miss her so much. I cant stand looking at that cage without my pepper in there. I have been crying eversince i found out she died as a matter infact I was looking farword into seeing my pepper then my grandparents return with no bird.I was planning on getting every picture of her and framing it.
  9. I cant get another grey because its too expensive. And all i had was one African Grey, She was dark grey small bird and was only 12<br><br>Post edited by: PepperRIP, at: 2008/04/29 03:03
  10. In 1996 my grandparents bought an African Grey Parrot named Pepper. It was just a baby on couple mounths old and the owner was selling it away because he had to go to college. Anyway I lived with it for atleast 11 to 12 years and I always loved it.But on Thursday April 24 2008, Was the day both my grandparents decided to take my bird and my two dogs to my other house, They left me and my brother at home.Anyway at 5:30 am April 25 my african greay parrot was found laying on the ground using her last breathe.She was very sick,She plucked her feathers and couldent do much on her right hand.So she was at top of her cage(inside) and she fell as she fell she hit her perch and then hit the ground with wounds on her she died.My grandparents didnt tell us that the bird died until they returned but ever since Yesterday I have never been sad like this in my whole life. The only thing i can do is pretend that my bird is there.<br><br>Post edited by: PepperRIP, at: 2008/04/29 03:21
  11. Please forgive me, i just thought i would be welcome to join,BC I owned an African Grey parrot her name was Pepper and she died on 4-25-08 by falling in her cage.(she cliped her own wings) I just want to know what would make me feel beter , I have been sad ever since.
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