In 1996 my grandparents bought an African Grey Parrot named Pepper. It was just a baby on couple mounths old and the owner was selling it away because he had to go to college. Anyway I lived with it for atleast 11 to 12 years and I always loved it.But on Thursday April 24 2008, Was the day both my grandparents decided to take my bird and my two dogs to my other house, They left me and my brother at home.Anyway at 5:30 am April 25 my african greay parrot was found laying on the ground using her last breathe.She was very sick,She plucked her feathers and couldent do much on her right hand.So she was at top of her cage(inside) and she fell as she fell she hit her perch and then hit the ground with wounds on her she died.My grandparents didnt tell us that the bird died until they returned but ever since Yesterday I have never been sad like this in my whole life. The only thing i can do is pretend that my bird is there.<br><br>Post edited by: PepperRIP, at: 2008/04/29 03:21