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Everything posted by john

  1. Hi ive had my baby grey now for a few weeks,its out of the cage on play gym most of the day but when i put her back in to the cage she climbs straight to the bottom of the cage and starts scratching for up to an hour?this is getting on everyones nerves/she has plenty of toys,is this just a tempory fase???
  2. sorry having trouble loading pics
  3. at last she is here
  4. john

    Chilli arrives

    i was looking at the bird food and my kids where asking what the different things were and when i got to the red chilli my little girl said the bird has chilli on its tail so call the bird chilli so there we have it.
  5. Hi there its me again just thought id tell you all i collect my baby tonight,and its a SHE i finally chose a name and she will be called CHILLI what do you think?i will post some pictures tomorrow for you all to see:)
  6. john


    hi havnt brought my baby home yet but would like info on a few things,i would like to know what to put in the cage i.e toys e.t.c. and what vitimins and other important stuff i need the breeder has already told me loads of stuff but i would still like to hear from anyone.Also the chicks are not ringed so should i put a split ring on it or not if so where do i purchase 1 from ? thanks for reading
  7. thanks all for your hellos i will post pictures as soon as i bring him/her home
  8. hi all im new here just thought id tell you all im picking my baby grey up in 6 weeks just been to see them for the first time and to give them a feed im going every week to feed them so they will be used with me,dont know if male/female as yet but im looking for names so please help as i cant really think of many good ones:blink:
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