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  1. hello everyone - sorry for no proper punctuation -it's just too hot to do anything here ! Anyway - i know this is not a classifieds website - but i really have a situation that has come up and i'm panicking !! i need to sell koko - my one yr old grey - we are moving to a new place and we cant afford to get kicked out of there - the place we are in now is keeping us bankrupt. Koko deserves and needs a really great home - a place with lots of love and attention that i cant give him. I'm also unemployed - not by choice - and cant afford to feed him and buy him new toys - his cage is almost bare and that is sooooo not good for him. This entire situation breaks my heart - if anyone out there knows someone that would like a clever and chatty grey - please let me know ! He is perfect in every way and very healthy! I will sell him for 1500 - he comes with his paperwork , wings clipped , leg banded etc .... The HUGE cage is seperate but very cheap ! Thank you everyone out there for your understanding during my rough times here in toronto. Sarah
  3. THANK YOU BOTH VERY MUCH - I will for sure try all of these things - somedays i talk to him sooooo much that my voice is hoarse. I would love some peace and quiet once in a while - i cant believe the energy he has:woohoo: ! Take care and love your pics Gorgeous greys you have !
  4. Hey there everyone !! Gosh it's been a really long time since i have wrote on here - life has been beyond hectic!! Anyway - I have some issues concerning my Koko - he had his first birthday in april and is loving his new cage - he wants to stay in it all the time. My problem with him right now is the EAR PIERCING NOISES - it's really a huge issue in my house and we are looking for a new apt. - i'm really worried that he will be too noisy there and could possibly get us kicked out ! Is he bored ? does he need new toys ? what is his problem ?? he screams, whistles , talks and makes every sound imagineable - he literally gives me headaches !! He gets so vocal and excited that i cant even hear people on the phone or the T.V - he is really driving me crazy and causing major problems. I'm worried that i would have to sell him and that would break my heart ! I've tried everything from lots of attention , squirting him with water, food , treats etc - will he always be like this ?? My grey before was 17yrs old and NEVER this loud ! Koko just NEVER SHUTS UP !! It's constant - he even starts early in the morning when is STILL covered!! Any advice would help me right now - thank you everyone ! I'm desperate Sarah
  5. Hi Everyone ! It's been a while - bring on the warm weather so we can give our greys some FRESH AIR and SUN !! Anyway ....I wanted to share this funny thing. My koko is just TOO hilarious these past few days ! I have had a really bad sinus head cold for the past 5 days and koko thought it would be funny to COPY my every sound. Coughing , Sneezing , and blowing my nose is all i hear him do now ! And he does it so perfectly !! I still can't get him to stop his screaming though - i've tried EVERYTHING you all suggested - it's so bad now that he really hurts my ear drums. He makes me very angry and i really need it to stop asap !! Take care everyone !! Sarah
  6. Hi ALL , me again! We all know that African Greys ARE the best birds in the world - well atleast i think so - anyway i wanted to do this since i'm new to the forum. Please share with me all the quirky things your grey does - of course they have the coolest personalities and they are always changing so feel free to share your funny grey habits. My Koko loves to chew on paper - dip it in water and roll it up in a ball hahahah - it's hilarious to watch! He also whistles perfectly to the Canadian Tire commercial.And he has just learned how to say "HI KOKO" and "Good boy"!! Thanks everyone - can't wait to hear yours !! Sarah Post edited by: sarahli, at: 2009/02/20 14:53 Post edited by: sarahli, at: 2009/02/20 14:55<br><br>Post edited by: sarahli, at: 2009/02/20 15:01
  7. he is still very young ( he will be 1 in April). We have a really great routine - i will just ignore him the next time he yells at me lol Thanks
  8. thank you judygram - i give him alot of time alone - i am addicted to watching T.V - so he is used to me staring at the glowing box hahhaha - i feel like i give him just enough one on one time. It's so hard to tell just what is enough playtime together. Can't believe how quiet he is right at this second - i will for sure take ur advice and ignore him ! THANKS AGAIN !! xox
  9. Hi Everyone , I know this is probably a previous topic - but i really don't feel like looking for it.I need help with my koko .....HOW on earth do i stop his high pitched SCREAMING ???? I literally have tried everything and nothing is working. Is he too spoiled and just wants CONSTANT attention ??? Also - does anyone have any "keeping cage cleaner" ideas? I use newspaper to cover the bottom tray but he loves it so much and pulls it up to chew on. I can't afford a really big Congo cage right now so he is in a large flight cage on wheels (it's big enough for him). Just wondered if anyone has a different method! Oh yah ...also i worry about koko getting too much newspaper ink in his system - i know he does not eat eat but it still touches his tongue - he loves paper so much !! Thanks a million everyone ! I didn't realize that I would have my hands full with this guy - it can be very overwhelming at times! Sarah <br><br>Post edited by: sarahli, at: 2009/02/20 22:42
  10. Thank you SO much everyone - love all your funny and cute stories !!!
  11. Well HELLO EVERYONE !!!! It's been a while since i posted anything ! Hope you are all well out there ! Quick question : Koko loves it when the T.V or music is up really loud. It seems the louder it is ...the louder he is ! Does it hurt his ears ?? or does he just like competing with the noise ?? lol Thanks Sarah (Of course I don't have it TOO loud - i do love my lil' guy.....and my ears !)
  12. Thanks guys !! Great points. I am in the room -so i love watching koko go ape shit when nick leaves. My husband usually sits at the computer alot - so yes he is always in the room too. It's actually quite funny to see koko freak out when my hubby leaves.
  13. HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE !! Hope you are all well and your greys are the lights of your lives. Quick question - I find this weird - my Koko FREAKS out when my husband leaves the room - he whistles and calls for him BUT he will not let my hubby pet him , pick him up and acts scared of him ???? My husband is so confused by this - any ideas ? ( hubby has never raised his voice to koko or hurt him in anyway - koko is completely bonded with me and ONLY me) Thanks Sarah
  14. THANK YOU SO MUCH Everyone !!! Love your answers and I feel better now !!! :)
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