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  1. Hello my name is Javier. I dont yet own a grey but, i am planning on it. I dont know which to get a male or a female. I live with my family. I will spend the most time with it though. I think i am geting a timneh because i have heard that they make better family pets. Are there advantages or disadvantages of either sex? thanks in advance
  2. I have 2 lovebirds who have totally bonded to each other. They are about 2yrs old. I have one male and one female. They dont enjoy my presence at all. I give them time outside of their cage lots. They just live their lives with eachother and look for me for food, water , etc. I dont mind though. lol I also have a year old cocker spaniel who often tries to chase them. Im always watching them. She often looks like she is trying to hunt them. She gets into a stance and watches them and slightly sneaks. One good yell freezes her though.lol If i get a grey could i get the dog to be nicer or just not attack? would my lovebirds behavior towards me influence my new grey?
  3. I have a question. Would putting a actual bowl or mini can in his cage be a good idea? Just used for pooping. Wheni notice he is about to do his business can i just put him over the bowl/can? would he get the idea and still go in his cage but, not really in his cage?
  4. Hello my name is Javier. Im from bayonne, NJ. I dont own a grey but, i am planning to get one. I still have questions about the grey. Thank you for the help. I cant wait to meet everyone
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