Does anyone know if it's safe to use this Ronco Showtime Rotisserie with my grey in the kitchen? It has a Non-Stick grate cover and drip tray. It was given to me for free, but if it isn't safe to use I will give it to a friend. She lives in the kitchen in a Cages by Design cage that is pretty big and it's really the only area in the house that I can keep the cage because it's rather large. I cooked with nonstick pots before and she's been ok. I turn the vent on high and open a window in the kitchen and put a floor fan up there and turn it on high. Every time I cook I worry that it's not safe. If anyone knows anything about this Rotisserie or any other kitchen appliances that might not be safe around birds please let me know.
Post edited by: Greyparrot04, at: 2009/02/23 06:11<br><br>Post edited by: Greyparrot04, at: 2009/02/23 06:12