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  1. Thanks Judygram! I forgot to mention the cage i got her was a 32" with Playpen on top so I am trying to get her used to the playpen but she is still scared of it. Today I plan to have her out several hours with me when i get home from work.
  2. Thanks everyone for your comments and help. She is eating great on her own in her new cage now and doing great! I took her out for about an hour yesterday and loves watching TV. I think she is into Law in Order :woohoo:
  3. Thanks Much and finally got her picture up!
  4. Thanks for the welcome and your help.. Here is a picture of Tiki I got from the breeder <br><br>Post edited by: hjcruzer, at: 2008/04/15 17:47
  5. I have actually been reading posts on this forum for a while now as I was anticipating the arrival of my Baby Grey. I just got her on Saturday "TIKI" and she is so sweet. She loves to be on my shoulder and constantly loves to be pet. The breeder I got her from did a great job as he vacinated her and DNA tested her for sex. Tiki is a little scared of the cage as she was used to about 85% human interaction so i have tried to keep her in her cage for these 3 days so she becomes familiar with her new cage and where her bowls are. I do take her out at least 3 times a day when changing food out as she scrambles to the door and hops on to me right away. Great Forum and should have some pictures up soon! :cheer:
  6. Thank you I will try that and introdce myself. Very helpful forum. Thanks you
  7. Hello Everyone. I am very happy to find this forum and let you know that I just brought home my 20 Week old female Grey from my breeder on Saturday. She is doing great but the only problem i have is that she was not used to a cage and tons of human interaction. She is fully weaned. I put her in the cage but anytime i walk in she scrambles to get out of the cage. I want to make sure she is eating and can get used to her new cage. I have a variety of fresh foods in there for her (Cheerios, Seed Mix, Warm Veggies, warm hard boiled eggs, millet. etc.) I have seen her eat a little. I have tryed to contain myself and not take her out of the cage so she gets used to it. Any Suggestions would be appreciated. Thank you, HC
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