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  1. He will be 1yr old at the end of the month. He has been saying his name in a real low voice and some other stuff I can't understand yet. His is suck a happy guy..
  2. Happy Hatch Day from Oscar
  3. In the U.S I think only one company covers them. So fa that is all I found.
  4. The routine stuff I can afford. It is the unexpected stuff that can happen that is very costly.
  5. Anyone have it for their bird? What plan is good?
  6. I'm sorry, he is just not acting himself and i'm wondering if he needs to be seen?
  7. Should I be concerned about him being quieter, he looks a bit unstable.
  8. up came what looks like the piece of Avi-cakes treat. he is eating and drinking but is much quieter. Any suggestions Please?
  9. Oil Filled Room Heaters. Are these ok to use as a heat source as far as any toxins they may put out?
  10. What I mean is, friends come over and want to instantly pet my Oscar. He doent know these new faces or has limited contact with them and they approch him with there big hand over him and he gets nervouse. Which I totaly understand, but my guests thinks its odd. I explain to the that how would you feel if everytime you were aproched with a huge hand over your head? It took him at least a month before he trusted me... i think i need to let guests know to only chat with him no petting???
  11. now begins the never ending wait!
  12. Try ebay, i got a 36x24 with playtop for 345.00 brand new free shipping.
  13. frwheel16

    Meat eaters

    DO you feed a plane white rice otr can you feed the flavor ones?
  14. Jello, was just something I was eating the other day. I'm sure with all new owners we wonder what can be feed.
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