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  1. I am a tad bit afraid of him because he has nipped and I really would appreciate him NOT nipping at my finger. lol. He is about 5 years old and came to me at a really bad time. he was in the house for 10 days then I had to leave for 10 days I didn't want his transition to be like this but had no choice. So i don't know a lot of his old habits. I have tried using a treat to get him to step up however it only worked the first time. Now he just looks at the treat. Guess he is on to me lol. I am not as afraid as I was of him earlier so I know we are coming along. I just feel bad that I am not moving him around the house like I would like to. I feel like he is always in the same place although he did move to my desk top yesterday and onto my chair. I also have tried putting my finger on his chest and he doesn't step up he only rubs his beak on my finger. Should I push him with my finger slightly to make him step up? I am sorry for all the questions I have had birds but never one that is as wise as this and because of his rough transitions I really want him to feel safe in his new home. Thanks for all the advice I really do appreciate it.
  2. I have a few questions about Cooper. he will step up on my finger when he gets scared and flys off the cage he will readily step upon my finger. I am not always here a lot but I do let him out of the cage if I am here even if I am busy so he can be out of his cage. He has now gotten so when I go up to him and am talking to him and he is on top of his cage he will bob his head at me and regurgitate some food. I have read this is a sign of affection. well should I push him to step up and how? He can be a nipper although usually he will just rub his beak on my hand or fingers now. once in a while he will nip but he seems to know his limits thank goodness. I don't want to push too much and make him less friendly but don't want have him never get better about stepping up either. Still trying to figure out what he likes and dislikes too. seem to feed him alot of the same stuff but working on it. Thanks in advance for your advice Donna
  3. trying one more time to post a photo of COoper if it doesn't work i will try the photo bucket way.I have used that before but it was a long time ago. thanks for the info about the foods it really helps. Coopersmom
  4. trying one more time to post a photo of COoper if it doesn't work i will try the photo bucket way.I have used that before but it was a long time ago. thanks for the info about the foods it really helps. Coopersmom
  5. thanks that is good to know and I appreciate it very much. can he get too much eggs? it is the one thing he will eat for breakfast so far. He seems real picky. Are there things most grey's prefer. I made him oatmeal but he wasn't to fond of that either. thanks Coopersmom
  6. Hopefully this Photo will be posted in this email. this is Cooper. he is coming along well. I am still learning what he will eat but he is getting there. he loves eggs and eats the jam off his toast. he loves the chicken bones and rice pilaf. He loves grapes too. still working on the other things to see what he likes and dislikes. I bought him a nice cage but getting him used to that before i put him in it. he doesn't bite at me anymore just pushes me away with his beak. He may grab on to my finger but doens't bite at all when he does it. I love him dearly he is so sweet. okay enough rambling will post again real soon.always looking for any opinions also so feel free to send me yours.I am learning as i go. thank you coopersmom
  7. Thanks I just am glad tohave him here and I have so many fears and questions. I am sure I will be asking for lots of help along the way. thank you so much for all the help and knowledge here in the forum and from all of you. I so appreciate it.
  8. Now I have a question. Am I going to struggle with him when I come back from my trip? I am leaving on Friday for 9 days and that is why I originally was going to wait to get him. I feel so badly that he has all these transitions to go through. DO you think I will have to start all over from scratch? I am okay if I have to but didn't know what you thought. Will he remember me even though I am so new to his life? Thanks in advance. Donna
  9. coopersmom


    I have to share my success with Cooper. I have been letting him out of his cage when I am home for a while but he has not stepped up onto my finger and usually he will eventually go back into his cage and then I shut him in. Well today he was out and I got a call and had to leave for a while. I needed to get him back into his cage but he was not cooperating lol big surprise there. I used a peanut that he loves and told him to step up keeping the peanut out of his reach. first he nipped my finger and instinctivly I pulled away getting frustrated that I did. I put my finger back and he grabbed it again. this time i was ready and kept my finger there telling him " no Coop thats not nice" I then said "STEP UP" and he put out his foot and stepped up. I was so excited. I gave him the peanut and put him back into the cage. Now I will take him out tonight and try to have him step up without putting him back into the cage so he doesn't start to think it is only to go back in the cage. I am open to other suggestions too. I really wanted to share this since it is so exciting for me lol. Donna
  10. thanks so much for your reply. I feel so stupid asking but do you cook up his oatmeal or just give him the oatmeal? He seems like such a small animal to eat so much and i guess that is what is throwing me off. When i got Cooper he came with a partial container of ZuPreem Fruitblend he also came with some nutriberries. But when i put the ZuPreem in his dish he throws it all on the floor. :ohmy: so it is hard to have food for him all the time. he seems to love apples so right now he is eating some of them but doens't seem to want lettuce or broccoli. I am so lost trying to figure him out and i am nervous that he won't be getting enough. Coopersmom
  11. Welcome Char. I am also new but have found this forum to be a wonderful place full of answers to questions and lots of support. you will like it here. Coopersmom
  12. I am new to greys and cooper is still in transititon so I know he will eat diferently once he is comfotable. But how do you know how much to feed them. I give him some toast in the morning with light jam on it. should he be getting a whole slice of toast half etc. I have not yet been able to find any topics for this. how much apple or fruit. If I buy him some mashed potatoes and bring them home how much is too much? I got them at a restaurant so they have probably have milk and some butter so that makes me nervous. Wow so many questions on one topic. thanks in advance for your help I am sure I will have many more questions to come. Coopersmom:unsure:
  13. thanks for all your support. I feel so badly that Cooper has had to have all these transitions but i will keep in mind he will be okay just may take longer to be settled. Fed him some toast this morning which is what he usually has at his house so maybe he feels more comfortable. I have to head to work for a few hours so he can have some time to check things out while the girls get ready for school. will keep you posted thanks again.
  14. wow you are not going to believe what happened. I work at the humane society in our town and when I went into work today they said a bird was coming in later on. turns out it was a parrot. and African Grey. It was Cooper. they called in the morning and said they were going to bring him in. He is now at my house but what a awful transition for him. He went to the shelter then to my house and I leave on vacation in a week for 10 days. he may stay at my house and the girl i know will take care of him but our road is starting to flood and if she can't get in which happens sometimes he will have to go to her house so one more transistion. this is what I wanted to avoid. I feel so bad for him. I know I am now in for a long haul but he will be so worth it:) will keep you posted and once he settles in a little I will get a photo to post. Just wanted to keep you up dated. guess you never can tell what is around the corner. Bye for now Coopersmom
  15. Well I recieved a call from Coopers parents On Friday and they have decided to keep him. I am glad for him since he now won't have the transition and change but it is kind of sad to think he won't be coming here. They thought it through and decided they couldn't part with him. It makes me happy becuase I understand how they are so attatched to people they have come to know as their own and at the same time it is kind of sad. But i guess the best for Cooper has happened so I will stay on the happy page for now. I will continue to learn Just in case. Thanks for all your info. keep things coming Coopersmom
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